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HOW TO ORDER - summary

Contact Teresa if you have questions, need help in placing your order, or have any questions.

It's easy to order Young Living's pure, organic, concentrated, therapeutic-grade essential oils for your aromatherapy needs...

1.Call Young Living Headquarters :

1 (800) 371-2928 within the U.S.

(801) 465-5400 from outside the U.S.

2.Dial '0'

3.Ask to sign up as a Distributor and begin Registration

4.Place your order

5.Give your Sponsor's Member Name & Number


HOW TO ORDER - details:

1.Call Young Living at 1 (800) 371-2928 within the U.S.
International callers call (801) 465-5400.
(If you prefer, you can fax your order to 1 (801) 465-5424. However, calling for your first order is highly recommended.)

International callers: You can email me and we can arrange for me to phone your order in. Just click on the mailbox to contact Teresa.

2.Dial 0.
When you hear the recorded greeting, dial 0 on your touch tone phone. You might have to wait a minute or two, but you'll soon be connected to a live operator who will help you place your order.

Operators are available during business hours, 8:30-4:00 pm Central Standard Time, but you can also order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using Young Living's Interactive Voice Response system. To use this system, don't dial 0 when you hear the recorded greeting. A recorded operator will walk you through the steps of ordering.

3.Register as a Customer or a Distributor
Everyone who makes a purchase from Young Living registers as a Member. And each Member has the choice to be a Customer (just using the products personally or professionally) or a Distributor (using the products as well as creating a home-based business). When you register, the Young Living order entry operator will ask you if you want to be a Customer or a Distributor. Customers and Distributors pay the same amount for their products, and the only difference when signing up as a Distributor is that you are asked to purchase a $5 "Policies and Procedures Manual", or a $15 "Distributor Kit." The choice is yours and you are always free to change your status at any time with no additional fees or charges.

When you register, the operator will give you your own Young Living Member Number. You'll use this number in the future whenever you decide to place another order.

4.Place your order
Review the various products described on the website and listed on the prices page. The Young Living order entry operator will ask you what you'd like to order. In general, I recommend that people include the Essential 7 Kit and the "Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" booklet (which costs $1.50) in their first order. There may be many other things you'd like to try, and by all means please do!... The Essential 7 Kit gives you 7 oils that have a wide range of applications that many people really enjoy, and the booklet is chock full of very useful information. If you have any questions about what you might like to try first, Contact Teresa.

5.Give your sponsor's Member Number:


The Young Living order entry operator will ask you for your sponsor's Member Number. I'll be glad to be your sponsor and welcome you to the amazing world of Young Living Essential Oils.

Having a sponsor does not mean that you have any obligations to the sponsor or to Young Living. It does not obligate you to be a distributor, or to participate in the network marketing program in any way. In fact, you need not have any contact with your sponsor at all. But, you will need their Member Number, to order products from Young Living.

You can pay for your order over the telephone--with a credit card (Visa, Master, or Discover cards) or check by phone--or by mail using a check or money order.

Orders within the U.S. will be shipped via UPS. This protects you and your order since all UPS shipments can be tracked. For the moment, all shipments outside the U.S. will be via foreign mail. However, Young Living is hoping to have international UPS very soon.

Within the U.S., you can specify if you would like your order to be sent by UPS ground, second day air, or next day air. Orders shipped by ground and second day air may take up to 72 hours to be processed at Young Living. However, shipping by ground is the most economical way to ship, and if you plan ahead you'll be able to have your oils when you need them without the extra expense of second or next day air. Next day air orders are shipped right away.

If you are placing an international order using the automatic ordering system, when asked how you want your order shipped, choose ground. The quotation you'll be given on the cost of the shipment will be incorrect on the phone, but will be corrected on your bill.

Call Young Living's Customer Service department at (800) 371-3515.

Or Contact Teresa.

Many people naturally tell their friends about the exciting health-enhancing experiences they have with Young Living products. This is natural networking, and it can become the basis of a home-based business that centers around Young Living's beautiful, 100% natural products.

After you order, and receive your "Young Living Essential Oils" Referral Number -


Please forward your Name, email address and Referral Number to Me (Teresa)
I will put you on my list of distributors and send you a free training manual to grow your Aromatherapy Consulting Business, if you like. This manual is the best training available within the entire Young Living organization. Sharing oils with others is one of the most exciting parts of my day! Testamonials are bountiful on Yahoo Groups... write for more info...

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Benefits of Ordering Organic Essential Oils
