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Well, Lets see now... As you can see I am a Boomer! I am lost in the sixties as far as music goes. Those were the days when the songs were a little easier to sing and remember the lyrics. I must say though, every once in a while there are some new songs that come out that capture my fancy and I sing them to death. I am a closet singer with a musical background. I play piano, but get me around a campfire with someone who can play guitar,and I am in seventh heaven. I learned accordian just in case there wasn't anyone around that campfire with a musical instrument.

Growing up in a really small town in the middle of nowhere had its good points. There was not the distraction of television,so we all had to make our own fun. Television didn't hit our town till 1964.When it did, It was one channel... CBC. It seems people were nicer in those days. There was no violence, and you could actually go away on holidays and leave your house unlocked, without the fear of anyone entering or doing any damage. What happened to those days? Parents spent more quality time with their children. Families did things together. Does television have anything to do with the way things are today? Hmmmm..... a point to ponder.

Anyway, back to me.....and the musical thing.... I kind of got off track there for a while. My mother was a trained singer and sang in Toronto when she was younger,and her only brother used to sing over the radio many years ago. I have never performed on stage other than the odd piano recital when I was younger. That was enough for me ! I have left all that up to my son who is the real musician in the family. He loves the stage and really thrives there. My husband was in several local rock bands,But I was very content to sit stage front and be very happy that he was up there and not me.

Whats so great about music from the 50's and 60's? Well maybe I enjoy it so much because it is associated with a the great era that I grew up. Things weren't as complicated... songs weren't as complicated, they were easy to sing and remember the lyrics. I still remember lyrics to many songs that I haven't even heard for thirty some years or so. I wonder if the kids today will remember the lyrics to the songs they are listening to? Guess I'll hang around for another thirty years and find out !

