My Whaley House Experience

My Experience


Well, I have only been to the Whaley House twice in my life... Actually three times, but my mom says I was just a baby, so I don't really think I can remember that one... well let me try... *GRUNT* nope... nothing... nothing except a fart... anyways...

The first time that I remember going there was back in 4th grade. Back at Zamorano Elementary school, in fourth grade, you got to go to Old Town, for the entire week... you would go in the morning, and come back late afternoon. Well, part of the whole field trip experience was to go to the Whaley House. I knew it was a "real" haunted house, and I was slightly excited to go, and slighty horrified to go too. At the time I wasn't too deep into the scary shit, so I feared it a little...

Well, It turns out that I went into the house willingly, without too much of a struggle. My group, and teacher went in, and we were to sit in the courtroom and listen to a tape recording of some of the Whaley Houses history. I was too preoccupied with trying "not" to see a ghost. Remember, I was a scared little shit. So there I am, looking nervously around the room... when something catches my eye. It's a life-mask of Abraham Lincoln. Well, this gold looking eerie mask of Mr. Gettysburg Address, must have noticed me, because I could of sworn that it was alive and staring at me. THE FRIGGIN MASK WAS LOOKING AT ME!!! The eyes on it moved to look at something else, and then it was back looking at me. I slowly stood, and walked over to the teacher, who was browsing some ghost pictures, and I asked her If I could go sit outside because I had a stomache ache. So she let me go outside...

I really had a stomache ache too... so don't go thinkin I'm a big ass wussie or anything... Just for your information I must have had a bad peanut butter and jelly sandwitch for lunch... so there! *sticks tongue out*

Anyways... I'm walking out, and as I pass through the hallway, I glance to my left, towards this interesting looking mirror. It was a mistake because I think I saw my own terrifying reflection, and It made me jump. Then I hurried the hell out of there to the front steps. Where I then saw my friend Sam walking across the street with his group, he waved and said, "Sup dude!" I waved back.

After several minutes my group comes back out of the Whaley House, having not seen anything either. So It's not like I'm going to tell any of them about that evil Abraham Lincoln. That Presidental bastard!


My Second Visit

Well, my second visit to the Whaley House proved to be a much more interesting one. For one, I stopped being that little chicken shit I was back in fourth grade. Besides, that was ten years ago. I'm 19 now, fearless, and very interested in the occult.

I went with my friend Jake, his wife Heather, they're son Josh, and Heather's sister Rachel. My friend Jake and I, actually planned to go to the Whaley House two years prior to this, because I was doing research, and wanted pictures for a report I was making for our English class. The report was entitled, "The Darkside" and yes, I got an "A" on it... Probably the only thing I ever recieved an "A" for. Of course I didn't get the pictures, because we never went to the Whaley House, because someone named JAKE, never called me to go down there... Anyways...

the bastard...

We went just this past April... I don't remember the date though. We had actually been loitering around the Whaley House late at night, peeking in the windows, because we had nothing better to do. We even went as far as to buy film for Jake's polaroid camera, and hold the camera into the windows and take pictures. Of course we closed our eyes when the flash went off, for fear that we may see something inside. (Ok yeah... so I'm still slighty wussie... but If I ever hear you call me that... GRRR) So we took about a dozen pictures in the front windows of the house, and then tip toed to the back of the house, where we proceeded to run up the rear stairs, get a quick snapshot of the upstairs hallway, and then run back down the stairs. Ya know, cuz we thought we were all slick and shit.. yeeeah biatch!

Ok, eventhough we thought we caught some weird stuff on film... It being a polaroid camera, it will catch weird stuff with every picture. So in fact we didn't get anything good.

Enough of the piddly shit... The day came when we were gonna go in, and take lots and lots of pictures. So we all went in, payed our five bucks, and went into the courtroom. We took pictures, and I walked around studying the place. I felt a strange feeling in there. As if someone was walking along side me, at times possibly following me. While in the courtroom, I walked straight up to Mr. Lincoln, laughed in his face and said "HA, HA! You didn't scare me back then you bastard! And your sure as hell aren't gonna scare me now!" I knew he was scared of me... Yup yup...

Well, so I walked back from the courtroom, and into the hallway. The one where I previously got scared because I saw my own relfection in the mirror. I took a few pictures there, and one picture of the mirror, hoping to maybe catch something behind me. Because the feeling of someones presence around me was strong. The kitchen was also right there, where I got a few shots of the kitchen utensils. I payed close attention to the shelf right infront of me. Why? Because one of the ghostly rumors revolves around a little girl ghost, that enjoys playing with the the butcher knife that hangs from a shelf. Of course I didn't see it move at all.

We then made our way back to the main hall, and checked out the other downstairs rooms: the living room, foyer, and office. Still no sightings, but the feeling of someone folling me was still strong. I made my way to the stairs, still snapping pictures. They say that on one of the steps you can smell Mrs. Anna Whaley's violet scented perfume, also rumored is the fact that on the ninth step that you can smell Mr. Thomas Whaley's cigar smoke. Less rumored is the feeling of a rope around your neck tightening... More info about these things on my Rumors page.

Upstairs there are five bedrooms, two of which that connect with eachother. I believe one of those to be the Whaley's bedroom. On the beds you can see clothing that was worn in Whaley's day. One room, that I pretty much hated everything about, must have been one of Whaley's daughters rooms. It was decorated with dolls. Now, I hate dolls... The Child's Play movies with Chucky never really freaked me out or anything, but these real friggin old as hell dolls did! I was expecting one to get up, and start talking in a low voice, and it's head start spinning, while screaming my name and spitting blood... A boy can dream, can't he? Hehe...

Well, FORTUNATELY nothing happened with them (possessed) dolls. I took a few more pics of the other rooms, and headed back down the stairs. Still feeling the presence with me. I didn't feel any harm, just comfort... As if whatever was with me knew me somehow, and was guiding me around. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs as I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked, and no one was there. I said, "Oooohkay," and started walking down the hall to go back in the courtroom. The time was 4:00 in the afternoon. The time that the Whaley House closes. So in other words, I was pretty much the only person left in the house, besides the caretakers.

I got a few more pics of the empty courtroom, and then headed back to the kitchen to spy on the butcher knife... No movement, I went to the front desk, and began talking to the caretakers about the house. We talked for several minutes. I told them that I had felt the presence of something with me the entire time I was there... not only that, I spoke of this odd attraction I have to the house. How I feel like Im connected in someway to either the Whaley's or the house. The caretaker's listened to what I had to say, and responded with some interesting questions. The one lady asked when my birthdate was, I told her, and she said there was no connection with my birthdate and the house. But they seemed to be very interested in what I had to say about my "feeling connected" with the house in someway.

I then said "bye" to them, and left out the back door into the back yard where I met with my friend Jake again. While back there I told him about what I felt in the house, and as I was saying that his wife, Heather called us over and told me about how she had this sharp pain in her chest area when she would stand in a certain part of the back yard. Her sister complained of the same occurance. I told them that they may be standing in the spot where a woman was killed by her boyfriend. The Tanner Troupe, was a theatre group that performed and stayed at the Whaley House. Well, one night the lead man of the troupe was drunk, and his girlfriend must have provoked him in some way... Maybe she didn't and he was just crazy anyway... and he chased her down the stairs with a knife, and caught her in the back yard, and stabbed her to death in the chest.

Heather also told me that when she stood in one place underneath the back yard stairs, she felt the tightening sensation around her neck. Jake also felt this. I didn't feel it though. I guess maybe im protected from feeling these things. We then left, and got the Pictures developed.