
My Experience


*Borrowed from "The Whaley House" Website*

One of only two Certified Haunted Houses in the State of California, the Whaley House has long known to be haunted. In fact, it has been referred to as the most haunted house in California, and perhaps even in America. By all accounts, the Whaley House does seem to be one of the few active haunted houses where the occurrences continue over and over. The haunting and strange happenings have been observed by many people, from volunteers to guests. Very few of these can be easily discounted. The ghostly residents seem to follow certain "habits", and even if one is ignorant to the fact that the house is haunted, their experience will often fit into a known set of occurrences. For example, many people have smelled cigar smoke, even though they didn't know that Thomas Whaley smoked cigars. The descriptions of flowery perfume is often strikingly similar as well, and for some reason the meat cleaver is the favorite toy for a little girl's spirit who still plays in the kitchen. Below you can find more information about the supernatural happenings that frequent the Whaley House. To the best of this researcher's knowledge, all accounts are true and none of the pictures have been falsified. Have a look, and see if you believe... I would like to point out, however, that the main significance of the Whaley House is it's incredible historical value. Few buildings can boast having been a granary, a theater, a billiard hall, a ballroom, a courthouse, and the Hall of Records for a budding town. It is, perhaps, one of the most important structures in San Diego's history. I found while researching the ghosts who reside there, it was impossible not to research the history surrounding Old Town San Diego. If you live in San Diego, or plan to visit there, be sure to stop by Old Town and the Whaley House; who knows... you may just see a ghost.

When someone visits the Whaley House, their trip is usually accompanied by an unsettling feeling that you are constantly being watched... that someone lurks behind you, watching you... impatiently waiting for you to leave... It is a sensation shared by many. By those who believe in paranormal events, and those that are complete skeptics. Those that believe, feel it is a ghost. Those that do not believe, simply feel they have let their imagination get the best of them, and that is all. One or the other has to be right. Or perhaps, in some way, both sides are quite correct. Collected here are the most commonly known "ghosts" that have kept up "residence" within the Whaley Home...and some of their... "habits" if you will.

Thomas Whaley: Although Mr. Whaley passed away in 1890, he knows he is still Lord of the house. His ghost is one of the most frequent, although an actual materialization is rare. His spirit seems unable to pass on to the afterlife due to the great injustice done to him in the Spring of 1871. He does not like noise, nor is he happy with the Derby-Pendleton House being moved onto his property. If you see a man wearing a frock coat and top hat, you most likely have met Thomas Whaley.

Cigar Smell: The most common manifestation of Thomas Whaley. It can be soft and wafting; barely noticeable, or very strong and overpowering, forcing people to leave the rooms it is encountered in.

Materializations: Most often encountered at the top of the stairs or in the master bedroom, although he may be seen anywhere in the house, and has even been noted to be next door at the Spice of Life tea shop. Although uncommon, his ghost is generally a complete, 3-D image of Mr. Whaley. He most often described as wearing a frock coat and a top hat.

Disembodied Voice: Laughter seems to be the most common version of a manifestation of Thomas Whaley's voice; a booming, baritone laughter that resounds through the house. He has also been known to speak on occasion, although it isn't often directly to the listeners.

Anna Whaley: Described as a petite, beautiful lady, Anna Whaley seems to be the host of the house. Ms. Whaley had a love of music, and seems to still enjoy to play a good melody now and again. Her spirit was encountered by a young Regis Philbin many years ago, as she materialized from a ball of light and floated down the music room toward him. Her hand-made dresses are on display both downstairs and upstairs, and she has been seen in other-worldly copies of these.

Perfume: As with her husband, Anna's most common haunting is one that appeals to your sense of smell. This may be, in fact, one of the most common haunting in the entire house. Anna's perfume is described as a sweet flowery scent that can be picked up in any room in the house, although the scent is most common on the stairs.

Materializations: Anna's ghost is seen most often in the hall, music room, and master bedroom. She is most often described as lithe and graceful, not often complete but cutting off at about the knees, always wearing one of her beautiful dresses. Music: In life Mrs. Whaley loved music, and she carried that love into the afterlife. She has been heard playing the piano, and even seems to enjoy a good tune on the music box. If you hear music drifting through the house, more than likely it's Anna treating you to a good song. Disembodied Voice: Speaking of songs, Anna also was a very good singer, and her soft melodies can sometimes be distantly heard throughout the house. She has also been known to ask people standing near the piano to play a tune for her. Her voice can also be heard throughout the house.

"Yankee Jim" Robinson: Yankee Jim was described as a large framed man, tall for his time. So tall, in fact, when he was hanged, the gallows were a little too short, leaving him to suffocate under the hangman's noose. Yankee Jim was unjustly tried for stealing a small boat, and while his companions were given one-year sentences for the crime, Yankee Jim was executed. He never believed he would be hung, and up until the moment of his hanging, thought it was a big joke on him. Perhaps it is because of this travesty of justice that Yankee Jim Robinson still roams the spot he was hung.

Ghostly Footsteps: This is the most common haunting in the Whaley House. Heavy footfalls can often be heard crossing the floor upstairs, but upon investigation there is never anyone to be found. Even Thomas Whaley himself made comments in his journal regarding the footfalls, and it even occurred to him that it may be the sound of Yankee Jim. Hanging sensation: Between the parlor and the music room is the archway where it is believed Yankee Jim was hung. On very rare occasions, someone will walk through that archway, and find a strong constricting feeling around their neck. This is most common in people who have psychic sensitivities.

Materializations: Although it is very uncommon to see the ghost of Yankee Jim, he has shown up in the past. He seems to be very choosy about when he appears. He is a large man, perhaps barely fitting within the small space of the Whaley House.

The Ghost in the Kitchen: In the rear section of the house at the end of the main hall you can find the Whaley's kitchen. Behind the glass panels you will see many of the same utensils, pots, pans, wood-burning stove, and even the bathtub used by the family. It is here that you can find one of the Whaley House's most active ghosts. In my research, I found that this spirit may be one of two (or maybe both) girls who died in the kitchen. It could be the spirit of a little girl who died here after being severely injured in the yard. Or perhaps it is the ghost of a daughter who died after swallowing something that ended up being fatal. Whoever she is, she seems rather happy and playful, and has been described as being between 9 and 13 years old, with red hair. In all my research, I was unable to uncover her name, but her habits are well-known.

Moving Objects: The playful little ghost seems to enjoy passing her eternity by toying with the many kitchen items placed within the room. In many accounts I read, the item she played with most often was the meat cleaver, although the teapot and hanging utensils were also targets. This is also the ghost thought to be responsible for moving a table from the courtroom area to the kitchen during a seance.

Disembodied Voice: A soft giggling is the most common haunting of this type. This is often accompanied by moving objects (as above), but it can happen on it's on. She has also been known to talk to people standing nearby; even, on occasion, calling them by name.

Other Ghosts: The aforementioned ghosts are generally the most active apparitions in the Whaley House, but there are a few others who also seem to reside within it's walls. Here are a few I found in my research.

Dolly, the Whaley's dog: Described as looking similar to a fox terrier, this dog can be found running down the halls, brushing up against people's legs, and chasing a ghostly cat through the rose garden into the house. Phantom panting has also been heard in the house.

Mysterious Indian: One morning Mrs. Reading arrived at the Whaley House early, getting ready to open it up for another day of visitors, and as was standard, she began to walk the house for a quick morning inspection. When she rounded the corner into the dining room, she was greeted by the image of a Native American Indian, who looked to be real as anything else in the room except that he had no feet. He hovered in view for a few moments before fading from view. No Indian has been reported before, and none since.

Unknown Soldier: Every October around Halloween, the Whaley House opens up for two nights, giving tours until about 10:30pm. I happened to be in the final group of the year, waiting anxiously for my nocturnal visit through the house. As we sat in the courtroom, the curator of the Whaley House came in for his opening speech. Before his introduction, however, he brought in a middle-aged woman who apparently had a story to tell. She began by saying she was visiting from out of state, and this was her first trip to the Whaley House. As she sat in the very same room we were presently seated, she noticed a man, dressed in a military uniform, approach the curator as he spoke to the group. Originally believing the soldier to be a volunteer, she was very surprised to see him fade from view right before her eyes. Another unusual note about this story is that although the room was crowded, no one else saw the ghostly soldier.

Courtroom Maiden: Many visitors come from all around the world to see the Whaley House each year. One such woman, by the name of Mrs. Kirby, stopped by while on a trip from her home in Canada. She actually had a few experiences in the house during her short visit, but the most notable involved the spirit of a young woman in a calico dress, wearing hoop earrings, seated on a chair in the courtroom. Although no one else saw the ghost, Mrs. Kirby got the impression that she did not like visitors and her privacy was being invaded. This apparition may also be the one who appears on a post card sold at the Whaley House which depicts a ghostly silhouette of a lady standing in a dark corner of the courtroom.

Other Haunting: This is where we present the goings-on and weird happenings that happen frequently at the Whaley House. They do not really seem to be tied to any one ghost, but more research into the activities may provide some answers.

Phantom Footsteps: Although Yankee Jim seems to have the most famous footsteps, others that do not really match his heavy clomping can be heard throughout the house. They can be heard crossing from room to room, and even walking right up to you.

Strange Lights and Fog: In any room in the house at any time during the day, a guest to the Whaley House may find themselves witnessing brilliant balls of light or even strange mist floating about. These appear randomly, move around between rooms, and it is even said that ghostly shapes can be seen in the patterns. These types of materializations are generally more common than actual 3-D apparitions.

Rocking Chairs: Many times visitors and staff have reported chairs in every room in the house rocking on their own. This type of haunting seems to happen most often in the nursery, where the nearby cradle can also be seen slowly swaying as if rocked by unseen hands.

Courtroom Chains: These chains often move of their own volition, swinging back and forth in front of stunned onlookers. This even took place in front of group of wide-eyed schoolchildren, while Mrs. Reading related the story of Thomas Whaley's voyage to California.

There is perhaps far more to the Whaley House than one might suspect. What makes for these strange things to happen? Over active imaginations? Spirits of the undead? A gimmick, perhaps put on by the folks of the Whaley House. Who knows for sure. But one thing is indeed for certain, the Whaley House remains one of two houses approved by the government as an authentic "haunted house."