Kevin's Forum
In 8th grade, my history teacher Mr. Baham would start off every class period with a forum, basically
asking the class if there was anything we wanted to talk about. Well, since I have been running
out of ideas to stick on my webpage, I decided to start a similar thing. Whenever I think of something
controversial enough, I'll stick it on here and ask what you guys think. If you have any imput on the topics
I put out or if you guys have ideas on what new topics to put out, please email me at
and I will consider it. Ideally, I would like to put your name and city along with your messages,
but obviously I won't if you guys don't feel comfortable with it. If this develops to something big
enough, we can maybe turn this into an Amnesty Internation type thing. If not, it's still kinda neat
to share stories and insight. Well, here are the topics I have so far:
Where's our privacy? The issue of the distrubution of phone numbers and addresses.
How safe is safe? The issue of the safety preparations of big commercial organizations.