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Remember The Word To Your Servant
(ZAYIN ~ Ps. 119:49-56)



Remember the word to
Your servant
Upon which You have caused
me to hope.
This is my comfort in
my affliction,
For Your word has
given me life.

The proud have me in
great derision,
Yet I do not turn aside
from Your law.
I remembered Your judgments
of old, O Lord,
And have comforted myself.

Indignation has taken
hold of me
Because of the wicked,
who forsake Your law.
Your statutes have been
my songs
In the house of my

I remember Your name
in the night, O Lord,
And I keep Your law.
This has become mine,
Because I kept Your precepts.



Jesus, The King Of Glory My Soul Thirsts For You, Lord Lord, I Have Loved The Habitation Of Your House
Psalm 1 Blessings On Obedience God Is Love
Psalm 91 Oh, That I Had Wings Like A Dove "Come to Me…"
Psalm 121 "Fear Not…" "It's Not By Might…"
Bless The Lord, O My Soul "He Who Has Ears…" "Help, Lord!"
The Beatitudes Happiness Is Doing The Will Of God The Key To Purity
Open My Eyes, Lord Teach Me Your Statutes, Lord Make Me Walk In The Path Of Your Commandments
Let Your Mercies Come Remember The Word To Your Servant You Are My Portion, O Lord
Teach Me Good Judgment And Knowledge Give Me Understanding, That I May Learn Your Commandments Revive Me According To Your Loving Kindness
I Am Yours, Save Me… Your Words Are Sweeter Than Honey To My Mouth Your Word Is a Lamp To My Feet
I Hope In Your Word Do Not Leave Me To My Oppressors Make Your Face Shine Upon Me

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Performed by 
Margi Harrell
Please feel free to visit her wonderful site right HERE