The Boy Band Real World~~Moving In

What happens when you take 3 boy bands, stick them in a house surrounded by teenie boppers? Find out when these groups stop singing and start getting on each others nerves.

ABs: **reading** J, Nick and Chris share a room. A.J., Rich and JC-
JC: Give me that. **reading** Brian, Joey and ABs. Lance, Sean and Kevin. Howie, Justin and Scott.
Justin: Whys Ah's got ta share a room wit' dat greasey freak?
JC: Because someone has to and it's not going to be me.
Nick: Howie, I'll miss you.
JC: No matter what, I get the room with the mini-bar
Scott: I thought you didn't drink because *NSYNC 'ad to be goodie-two-shoes
J: Yeah, a bunch of pansies
Justin: Don't be dissin' me, foo'. Ah be gettin' mah homies on you
JC: **using mind control** I will get the room with the mini-bar
J and Scott: Yes, whatever you say, master
AJ: Mini-bar! Woohoo! **runs to the room**

I tell them it's bad to drink but they don't listen. And what's worse, Brian makes moonshine in the bathtub

AJ: **runs back into the living room** It's not leopard print! The room next to it is. JC we have to change rooms
JC: I'm the leader, we do what I say or else you won't get a star sticker today
AJ: Shiney sticker **hypnotized by the sticker JC is holding up**
Nick: I call the pink room
J: No way, I'm not staying in a pink room
Nick: Yes we are, I already put all my stuff in it

I'm so gosh darn mad that Nick got the pink room. I didn't even get to see what each one looked like. He just ran in and chose the one I wanted **starting to sob**

Justin: Ah's claim da room wit' da mirras 'cause Ah's needs ta see mah beaut...beauti...umm, fione face
Scott: That's OK by me
Sean: That leaves me, Lance and Kevin with the teddy bear room
Lance: Maybe one of the teddies is wearing a tutu

It's bad enough having to share a room with Lance, but now that I know that I have to have a little kids room it's even worse. I'd leave, but the teenie boppers are out there waiting for one of us

JC: **from his room** There's no VODKA!!! **runs to the bar in the living room and grabs a bottle** Vodka, I love you **kisses the bottle**
AJ: There's no CRACK!!! **reaches into his pocket** Oh wait, nevermind, I never said that. Turn off the camera, man turn it off. This isn't going to be aired, is it?
Sean: Where's the laundry room?
Brian: You do laundry?
Sean: No, J does it for me
AJ: **to J** You do laundry? **runs into his room and comes back dumping a pile of dirty clothes at J's feet** OK, the darker leopard shirt is hung dry, and the lighter one is flat dry, remember that

I 'ate Sean. 'e's gonna 'ave to do 'is own laundry from now on. ** faint yelling in background to which J answers** What's that Sean? You want your blue sweater to be washed? Right away? OK, in a second. Like I was saying, Sean needs to learn 'ow to take care of 'imself
AJ: I was really scared when I thought I had no crack. Remember not to air anything about my addiction

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