** Morning, Kevin walks over to the mirror.**
Sean:** To Lance ** What's 'is bloody problem?
Lance:I think that he just found out that I plucked his eyebrows overnight.
Sean:Why did you do that?
Lance:They were bugging me. Everyone should have pretty eyebrows like me, Nick, and ABs.
Sean:But ABS doesn't pluck 'is eyebrows.** JC runs into the room **
JC:Who screamed? It woke me up, and I NEED MY SLEEP!
Kevin:** Storming towards Lance **I'm gonna kill you!
A.J.:** Walks by and sees Kevin with his eyebrows plucked ** Hahahaha ** stops ** I forgot what I was laughing at ** looks at Kevin ** Oh yeah!Hahaha.
** Confessional **
Kevin:It made me really mad that Lance plucked my eyebrows. I was gonna pound Lance's face into a nice pulp, but then I would have JC on my case, and I don't want that.
JC:Kevin, if you hit Lance,you will be kicked out of the house, and the teenie boppers will get you.
Kevin:Sorry about that JC ** glares at Lance **
** Confessional **
Lance:I didn't think that Kevin would get mad at me. I was doing him a favor ** Starts sobbing **
** At breakfast **
Joey:Scott help me! I got the spoon stuck in my nose again!
Scott:** Looks at Joey ** No, I 'ave to 'ave my ketchup.
Joey:JC! Help me!
JC:What is it now?
Joey:I got the spoon stuck up my nose. Again
JC:I helped you last time, anyway, Mickey helps those who help themself
Lance:** Runs into kitchen **What do you want?
Joey:I need the spoon pulled out of my nose ** Lance pulls out the soppn ** Thank you Lance
** Confessional **
Joey:I was glad that Lance helped me, but now JC won't give me a star sticker for being good. Justin got one! It's just not fair.
A.J.:** In front of a mirror **I am not going bald, I am not-
Justin:Move outta mah way. Ah's needs tha mirra now!** Pushes A.J. out of the way **
A.J.:Hey! I still have 17 minutes to stand in front of the mirror.
Justin:If Ah's wants ta be in front of da mirra now, Ah's gets ta.
A.J.:Then I'm going to call your your mom.
Justin:No! Don't tell mah mommy! She'll stop luvin'me. Ah's be her favorite.
** Confessional **
Justin:An's don'ts want mah mommy ta be mad at meh, she'll take away mah Benz
** In the living room **
J:If anyone plucked my eyebrows, they'd be dead by now.
Kevin:I'd have killed Lance, but he's in the same group as JC.
J:JC is freaky.
Kevin:No diggity.
Brian:** Walking in **Why can't people get along? I just saw A.J. and Justin fighting over a mirror.
J:They spend all of their time there cause they're pansies.
Kevin:No diggity.
** Confessional **
Brian:I was saddened deeply by seeing A.J. and Justin fight today. It was so stupid. But at least A.J. made that little mamma's boy cry. The BSB need to show everyone who's boss. Justin lost! Whoo hoo!** Starts dancing**BSB are number one!** Realizes there is a camera in the room ** Uh oh. Um...*NSYNC are our friends, and we respect them as artists and as people. ** Muttering ** Yeah right. Oh well that oughta fool those stupid teenies they believe everything.