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You walk to the inlaid ivory and onyx counter where the Lady awaits you. Placing her hands atop its surface, she asks, "so then, what is it you are seeking? You would not have found me otherwise, were you not on this journey of discovery." The Lady then turns slightly, and on command, the wrought iron lockplates of the three cabinets turn and release their pins. She then looks to you expectantly. "Well then, perhaps I may show you some of which I have aquired in my own travels. Perhaps these artifacts may aid you in your own quest... tell me what you think of this?" The Lady turns to open a carven door behind her...

Blanket of Everwarmth The Lady pulls from one of the teak cabinets a thick, finely-woven banket. As she opens it upon the counter, the muted blues and greys of the pattern seem to swirl slowly in a constant eddy. You touch the blanket and a smooth comforting warmth spreads through your hand. "Ah, do you feel the power contained within this blanket? This is sure to be a boon on cold winter nights and adventuring excursions into the wilderness. Many a traveller has been saved from frostbite and hypothermia thanks to this Blanket. The enchantment is constant and eternal, and will not endanger with heat anything else it comes in contact with; simply ever present warmth. I guarantee this will be the only blanket you will ever require. A veritable bargain for eleven hundred Old Kingdom gold, do you not think?" She steps back and allows you to examine the blanket...

Candles of Emotion You see the Lady take a pale sage candle from behind her, and light it with a small summoned spark. The wick begins to glow, and the aromatic wax and herbal mixture spreads through the room. The cat familiar rolls on its back and playfully bats at the curling smoke with its paws. A sense of calm settles over you, such as you have not felt in days; the effects must be visible, for she comments to you. "I see the Peace Candle is working its magick on you. That is the purpose of this particular creation; any who breathe the scent of these candles must save against its enchanted ability, or have all hostility removed from their foremost thoughts. These not only work as a therapy for stress and pain; lighting one in the presence of someone who may be ill at ease, or angry towards you, or eager to strike out may stop and think on their actions before committing them. They will not prevent a deathwish but... " the Lady trails off as she places other candles beside their burning brother. "This pale rose will allow you to invoke trust and charm, to soothe even the most hardened of hearts, allowing that the intended cannot resist the magick. And this dusky blue works along the same principle, only it places those who come in contact with it, into a deep natural sleep for eight hours. Also, this little misty grey candle has more to it than it seems. Lighting the wick will create a thirty foot square smoke screen within seconds, one that lasts five full minutes. All of these prove very useful at three hundred Old Kingdom gold each."

*Note* Candles that work by scent may be combated with a standard save vs. magic roll; smoke screen takes one melee to activate and lasts twenty melees- all within are -8 to strike, parry, and dodge; sleep lasts eight hours and is natural but deep; i.e. someone may quietly move around the sleeper but a kick in the head will wake them!

Cazal's Tapers of Everburn Again into the great teak armoires does the Lady reach, and again she brings forth another bundle of waxen tapers, these cleverly wrapped in waxed parchment which when opened releases the sweet scent of honey. "These nay be ordinary candles either," she confides with a nod, "but instead candles of ever-burning. Each taper burns at but a quarter of the pace of a conventional candle, for a full forty hours. Smokeless and sootless to be certain, they burn so clean that even should they be tipped over, there is no puddling of wax, but an instantaneous fire-proof extinguishing." She narrows her eyes at a nearby gilded lamp. "The candles even burn with thrice the brightness and intensity of a mundane counterpart, throwing out light for sixty full feet, with no afterburn in the eyes when looked upon; lighting one in a dark room will not hamper your ability to see in any way. Good for folk with infravision, and a steal at one hundred gold for four tapers."

Chalice of the Traveller's Friend From a shelf behind her the Lady takes a variety of drinking vessels. One is fine porcelain chased with silver, another made of a carved, burnished wood with an odd striping grain. A third gleams with golden etchings and dark red carbuncles; beside it a cup is glazed a delicate sky blue, darkening to cobalt at the fluted base. "Each of these," she says, "is known as a Traveller's Friend. Let me show you why..." She then pours a long draught of a sweet cool wine into one of the cups. Once filled, she picks up the goblet to hand it to you and... throws it directly at your chest! Startled, you catch the cup at the base and look down dismayed, anticipating wine stains... and there is nothing. You turn the cup right-side again, and see the drink still inside... "And that is why they carry the reputation. If you placed that in your pack and left it for a month, the wine would still be as cool and fresh as when you poured it. Many an alehouse of the Western Empire have ordered these in full sets. But to you, six hundred fifty gold, no more."

Coiffure Calabash A glint upon the far end of the counter catches your eye, and as your attention swings to this latest ruminant within the apothecary, the Lady gives a slow shake of her head and a low chuckle. "Always they come to those personal trappings and trinkets of vanity." Her solemn silver gaze winks at you to assure her jesting intent. Lifting the article to your viewpoint, the thing reveals itself to be an immaculate brush, a carved wooden handle dusted with scrolls and inlaid with ivory, bearing a round, thick boars-bristle head. "With such as this, one's hair shall be as cornsilk. Or rough and spiked like shards of glass broken upon the floor." Shrugging lightly, she flips the brush over onto its back. "Its all according to the mental projection the user wishes to incorporate into their appearance. Quite the useful bit, isn't it, for a mere three thousand golden coins of the Old Kingdom?"

*note* To activate the styling ability of this item, one must actively think of the finished style in one's mind, while running the brush through one's hair. All manner of hairstyles are possible, from intricate braids wrapped in a fabulous upsweep, to rigid, jagged spikes in punk fashion. One's hair color cannot be changed with the brush, although the length of hair can be altered up to three feet. Altering the follicle texture from nappy and coarse, to smooth silk, is also possible. After twenty-four hours from using the brush, the style vanishes, returning the hair to its former state. The brush may also only be used once every twenty-cour hour period.

Copper Kettle Here now appears upon the counter an innocuous kettle of hammered copper, insignificant save for its truly masterful wrought bowl and charming fish-head spout, complete with an ivory handle of stylized waves; a master's work upon a simple household icon. "The true secret of this kettle is what one cannot see," speaks the Lady thusly. "Upon having water, or any other liquid poured into it, will instantly bring said contents to a high rolling boil. The kettle remains cool and gentle to the touch, regardless of whether it even be set into a fire or no; for it is impervious to fire." She tilts her head, silver earrings chiming softly as she contemplates. "Though it could be destroyed. Why you'd wish to do that after paying its price of eight hundred Timiro gold is beyond my comprehension."

*note* Copper Kettle possesses 20 S.D.C. and is suceptible to any form of battle damage.

Enchanted Bento Box The Lady pauses at the rumbling of your belly with some amusement. "Some time since you broke your fast," she wagers with a wry grin, the skin somehow replaced in her slender hands with a clever box of some carven bone or stone, narrow of depth yet broad of width. Setting the token most carefully upon the surface of the counter, the Lady's sure fingers gently touch the delicate scrolling backdrop of the polished lid, all manner of images swirling across in a parade of mist and shadow. "'Twould be most beneficial to have such a boon in your camp, and never spark a cook-fire again." A careful tap here, and a press there, and suddenly the lid flies open to reveal a deliciously steaming, professionally prepared meal of the finest sizzling beef cutlets, sauteed vegetables, a whipped potato pasty spiced and savory; each in its own clever, beautifully displayed section. "But one of four delectable dinners one may select, depending upon the pattern one makes upon the box," she whispers conspiratorially as the enchanting aromas waft towards you. 'Click!' goes the box as it is snapped shut, vanishing beneath the counter. "For but ten thousand pieces of Old Kingdom gold, is scant to pay for an eternity of full bellies!"

*note* The magic of the box may only be invoked once per twenty-four hour period, in the manner described above - upon the interior of the lid is a directional for each menu. Each meal is completely physically satisfying, providing the proper nutrients for the full day; each will also leave the consumer psychologically feeling no need to eat for the remainder of the day as well. Once opened, the meal must be eaten, for as soon as it is closed again, and then reopened, the interior will be clean and empty. The food will spoil within one day. There are three other selections from which to choose, aside from the previous mention; a fowl stuffed with breading and fruits, accompanied by an herb biscuit and fresh, crisp greens; juicy sausages and a rich, buttery pasta with crunchy bacon and tomatoes; and a fine silver fish with tender white meat, seasoned and lovely on its bed of long-grain rice and a dish of crab dumplings.

Firestarter Yet another little candle makes its way somehow to the counter-top, a creamy herbal affair smelling of resins and something earthy. "This Firestarter will alight with a simple verbal command; attempting to light the wick by ordinary means will never work. But once alight, its green flame will not harm the speaker of the power word in the least, and shall near-instantly ignite tinder and other readily combustible materials." She cradles the metal-cupped Firestarter in one slender hand. "It will never melt, and has unlimited uses, which makes it quite the bargain at six hundred fifty gold, I believe."

*note* The Firestarter will only ignite readily combustible materials, not living flesh or liquids and such. Will set fire to tinder, dry wood or cloth, etcetera within 1D6 seconds upon contact. Snuffs itself after one minute, and may be restored with the word of power "Sal-Nei". Has 8 S.D.C and can be destroyed.

Hruthgar's Holy Tankard "Contrary to the name's implication, this creation derives its title from the enchantment, rather than its tangible form," the Lady begins as she sets upon the counter this peculiar thing; a foot-tall stein of striped wood, carved thick with runes, the ivory handle fashioned into a basilisk. "Many and subtle are the enchantments woven into the fibers of Hruthgar's Holy Tankard, the least of which prevents the pewter lids from ever opening and spilling their contents. Save when a Dwarf, and only a Dwarf, deliberately opens the cover purposefully," she notes with a raised brow. "Any liquid once placed within the tankard is instantly transformed into an icy-cold, frothy ale of pristine clarity and delicious taste. Natural poisons and toxins are immediately neutralized, and any harmful bacteria or foreign matter previously present dissipates once the liquid is poured in. But be very wary, for its powerful potency inebriates far faster than ordinary drink, and can even poison those with weak constitutions. Five thousand gold do these Tankards run, and worth every silver."

*note* The true power of this brew lies within its amazing potency - Dwarves must save vs. intoxication after four tankards; all other humanoids must save after three full swallows or sips at the sparkling alcohol. Should the character make the save, they have another chance to drink a stein/take a sip, with another save vs. intoxication -2; an additional -2 is applied to the save for each subsequent drink.

Failing the save results in the character passing out for 2D6 hours, wakening with all combat and skills reduced by half, along with constant queasy overhang symptoms for the next 24 hours. Anyone with a P.E. under 9 must save versus poison at -3 or lose 1D6 S.D.C./H.P. and receive the above penalties at twice their length, and force of discomfort tripled.

Mooncycle Bandages With a silvery glance to a female member of your rag-tag party, the Lady seems to share a knowing glance between herself and that other soul; from a plainly carved gilt box produced from under the counter, she reveals a series of pristine white rolls of cloth. "Mooncycle bandages," the Lady's voice declares in an intimate tone, "and a boon to any woman travelling upon the highways of life. For a daily application of these enchanted poultices shall stem every offset of your monthly cycles, while you do bleed." Unwrapped, they appear to be nothing but snowy soft pads of fabric, traced with scattered crushed herbs. "No pain, nor cramping, nor any affliction from your womanly troubles. Nor will you even appear to bleed with these in their proper place. And even should you become with child," the Lady leans conspiratorially downwards to face the now-curious member of your party, "bearing these for three days consecutively, shall rid you magically of the unwanted babe, so long as you use them within the first four months. After which, there is a powerful chance you could injure yourself, and the little one within your belly." The lid of the box is snapped shut with a 'click'. "A lovely thing to have in one's pack, five for fifteen hundred pieces of Old Kingdom gold."

*note* Wearing these pads (one for each day of the duration of the cycle)in traditional fashion will completely erase all difficulties of pre-menstrual symptoms for females of any humanoid race. Naturally, there is no effect on males, and can therefore be used only as a bandage for wounds, without any special healing. Using as directed in the first four months of pregnancy will eliminate the fetus(es) from the womb; for each month thereafter, add 20% per month, for the possibility of a physical and/or mental deformation or handicap; with one extra deformity possible to be seperately rolled for each extra month as well. For the mother, add 15% for each extra month, for the chance of permanently injuring the reproductive organs. A sucessful roll indicates a permanent infertility for the character, which can only be healed by the highest magical arts.

Sulphrona Needle Yet another marvel of domesticity is brought forth for you from the massive teak ensemble behind the broad counter of the apothecary; this soft blue leather purse unfolding to reveal a long silver needle that appears to catch every shimmer of light and throw it back threefold. Beside are ranged spools of thread of differing colors, each tucked into its own pouch. "'Tis a simple needle, nothing more," the Lady assures you and your companions, "save that it will pierce, and stitch, and sew together a garment from any material, whether spider-silk or the roughest tanned leather, nothing too delicate, or too tough and thick, for it to work upon." Sounds of disbelief emanate from your party, and to this the Lady simply smiles. "And those garments created with the Sulphrona needle shall boast a far higher degree of sturdy construction. Tears and snags will never form on the clothing, and will even afford some small protection like armor, from weapons and even fire. For the needle itself is nearly indestructible, and the thread too is magically worked. All for a mere sixty-five hundred paltry coins of the Old Kingdom!" she announces, stilling those stirring tongues to silence.

*note* A combined P.S. of 20 is required to break the needle itself; using the special thread upon any material (from said silk to rough leather to sailcloth and cotton) will impart an added 15 S.D.C (with an A.R. of 5) to said article, and will render the clothing free from any casual wear and tear (runs, rips, snags) for the life of the garment. Also, the garments will be heat and fire resistant, and will require three times the allotted time needed to begin to combust and burn. Using the special thread without the Sulphrona needle has no effect.

Surefire Sealing Wax A small, simple fruitwood box engraved with a pattern of interlocking circles claims little notice where it rests within the great teak cabinets behind the Lady, but she feels compelled to reveal its contents to the scribe of your party. "Something most useful this may be to you," she promises, lifting the lid to reveal a thick stick of blood-red hard wax, a candle in a tin round, and a soapstone seal of that selfsame entwined pattern of rings. "The charm within the wax prevents any stray fingers or eyes from viewing the contents of your script," she promises, "and all one needs must do is speak the true name of the message's recipient, and they shall be the only one to break the seal. Well," she pauses for effect, "it -is- possible to open with more harsh, arcane means. But to do so is to risk a rather .. tempestuous result. But well worth eight thousand Old Kingdom gold coins, enough for four sealings!"

*note* The wax seal can only be broken by the one whose true name is spoken whilst the sender speaks aloud said name; otherwise a combined P.S. of twenty-one is needed to crack the wax. Or, a 'dispell magic' incantation, though the seal has a +4 bonus to save vs. magic. Should these efforts prove successful, the object which has been sealed with wax will spontaneously burst into flame in 1D6x2 seconds, burning to ash almost instantaneously. Damage to unprotected flesh up to two feet away is 1D6 S.D.C.

The Washerwoman's Choice Companion Bearing a clever round tub from her wondrous teak wardrobes, the Lady sets down her burden for a closer look. Scrolling silver bands hold tight slats of dovetailed blond wood, smoothly sanded and polished and fitted into a circular basin. "The simplest things in appearance are often those holding the secret," she muses while watching her familiar leap nimbly to the counter-top and inspect this latest treasure. "One must still wash one's own clothes with this tub, filling it with water and setting the articles within to cleanse. But that is where the Washerwoman's Choice Companion takes the reins!" she snaps her fingers for emphasis. "Any water can be used - muddy river water, silty streams, even watery beverages like wine, so long as the tub is filled. Place the articles within, and pause for but one minute. And in a flash! The clothing is cleaned, and smooth of wrinkles, without stain or musty odors at all, nay, but a refreshing scent instead. What ease in chores for but three thousand Old Kingdom gold!"

*note* Up to fifteen (15) pounds of clothing may be washed at one time in the tub, whose powers may be invoked twice daily in a twenty-four hour period. As stated, any water-based liquid may be used, so long as the articles are immersed for one minute. All stains dissapear upon removal, clothing is fresh and sweet smelling, without vermin such as fleas, and will quickly dry without wrinkles.

Waterskin of Purity As she puts away the candles, you notice the waterskin from which the Lady poured the wine atop the counter. When she turns around, she sees your interest. "That, friend, is also a useful artifact when travelling. Its special enchantment causes an instant purification of any liquid placed within it, instantaneously. Any natural toxins, poisons, and impurities are purged. Of course, so are medicinal powders and so forth; however, this skin cannot neutralize any magickal additives that may be in the drink. So use it wisely." She picks up the supple fine leather skin, embroidered with scrolls and golden birds. The shoulder strap flashes with more embroidery as she hands it to you. "A must for any traveller, at six thousand Old Kingdom gold."

Winterwarmth's Ladle Once the Waterskin has been placed away, the Lady draws forth another helpful aid for the traveller; an otherwise innocuous-appearing two foot ladle of smoothed and polished fernwood, with a criss-crossing gold inlay creating a frost-like pattern across the broad, curling handle. "The Ladle carries a faint magical aura but no other indication it is more than it appears," she announces while turning the thing gently in her hands. "When placed into any eating receptacle, whether a dish, pot, or cauldron, the ladle magically forms a gently rich, savory broth gruel piping-hot and filled with a full day's nutrients. The tender gruel is delicious, and instantly heals scratches and bruises, and adds a deep sense of comfort and relaxation. Its true benefit grants the consumers of the broth with an imperviousness to natural cold for a time, with absolutely no need to fear frostbite, hypothermia, or other maladies of winter." The Lady sets the Ladle back into the cabinets behind her. "Traversing across natural ice or through natural snow is only half as difficult as normal. Quite the boon to any travellers passing through the Northern Hinterlands or the Northern Wilderness, and a bargain at ten thousand Timiro gold."

*note* The gruel instantly heals 1D4 S.D.C./H.P. upon consumption, and grants imperviousness to natural cold for 2D6 hours. Only half the penalties apply when crossing natural snow or ice for this duration as well.

Step away from the counter and return to the apothecary entrance.

Pass through the curtain concealing the Garderobe east door.

The weapons rack alcove appears to have another patron...

The northern garden door beckons with outdoor light...

To the northeast the dutch door smells of exotic spices...

A great ironwood-bound portal is marked with the symbol of the Lady ...

Julia's Theme.

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