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... the warp and weft of the mystic ley lines ... Almalthea's personal spells ...

...And be warned 'O Man, turn thy face to the light and forsake the seductive whispers from the beckoning darkness, for it is the enemy of Man and life itself that calls to thee...

A passage of the Books of Gibraltayre, a manifest of the Tristine Chronicles, found in the crypt of a Western Empire library five thousand years ago.

Here within the private sanctorium of the Lady herself, the palpable sensations of peace, protection, and providence linger in the air like the sandalwood incense burning at a nearby altar. Much awaits to be seen within these chambers, every turn demanding attention to the wonders and curiosities that lie open before you.

Illuminated by a single knotwork glass piercing the wall high overhead, a great silver-bound tome sparkles in the sunlight, drawing your focus supremely. The creamy vellum pages spread wide upon an ancient carved stone podium, many beeswax candles in iron fixtures shed further golden radiance upon the rich black inks ... revealing a wealth of alchemical and mystic knowledge that spans the ages ...

... For this is the personal spell-book of the Lady herself ...

...'And lo, she will descend unto you in garments of moonbeam and shadow, the sun at her brow, the stars in her eyes. And lo, shall she bestow unto you the freedom of her mystic arts, and the Dark shall be thrust from the Holy Light for ten times ten generations of your children ...'

- The archaic runic script etched into the lintel of a crumbling marble pavillion, an abandoned temple on the headland of the kingdom of Timiro. The incised letters were so deeply carved that even ten thousand years after its tenants had passed to dust, they still stood to be read by the scions of the departed.

Cantrips for the Common Man

A small antique desk sits to one side of the chamber, lit by a single fat candle upon a silver stand, surrounded by inkwell, parchment and such trappings of the scholar. Placed upon the embroidered blotter is this old leather-bound volume, its title gilded in silver script - Cantrips for the Common Man. The simple spells within may be mastered by any body whosoever possesses a spark of the Gift, their miniature magics meant to assist in daily life and to solve the dilemmas of the common man.

Look upon the Book of Cantrips.

Almalthea’s Mystic Lock (level 3)

Range: Touch

Duration: 3 months/level

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 16 for the spell

Releasing this incantation magically creates an actual mystic padlock upon any object the caster wishes to secure, whether it is a chest, or an armoire, a door or window, a cupboard or even a book. The lock gleams with silver etchings and is molded into the shape of a lotus blossom, requiring a combined P.S. of fifty to break open. Likewise mundane lock picks and even most common spells such as Dispel Magic will not alter the lock, which can only be opened at the touch and utterance of the chosen power word by the initial caster, and up to three other people.

"Lotus silver, binding fast, into a lock your spirit fast!"

Almalthea’s Mystic Whetstone (level 4)

Range: Touch

Duration: 3 months/level

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 12 for the spell, or 50 for a permanent enchantment

Casting this delicate spell requires a moonstone, etched with a crescent moon, a mark of the Lady herself; this gem becomes part of whatever blade receives the mystic blessing, becoming incorporated into the handle or metal. Once chanted, the magic provides a long-lasting and constant razor-sharpness to whatever weapon is chosen; weapons including swords, axes and pole arms, as well as mundane kitchen boning knives and cleavers may be chosen. The permanent version of this spell grants the eternal sharpness for 1D6x100 years per level of the caster, and imbibes a very faint, pale rosy glow to the blade itself.

"Protect the bearer, blade, with strength! Forever razor-sharp your length!"

Breath of Life (level 5)

Range: Touch or up to 10 feet away, within line of sight

Duration: 1 hour/level

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 30 for the spell, or 200 for a permanent enchantment

Contrary to the implication, this spell does not grant self-awareness to its target, nor sensory perception or emotive capability. Rather the enchantment’s intent is to be cast upon only inanimate objects which portray or mimic elements of nature, flora or fauna in any species. The Breath of Life bestows autonomous movement upon such objects for one hour per level of the caster, during which time the magicked target will shift and ambulate in the manner of its natural namesake. The following are some examples of proper uses of the spell:

-A bejeweled butterfly ornament opening and closing its fluttering wings.
-A dragon belt that ensinuates and twists its way about the wearer’s waist, flexing its claws and snapping its jaws.
-A statue of a woodland creature wandering and frolicking through a garden, for entertainment.
-A school of blown-glass sea creatures swimming within a glass sphere, with water or without.
-A guardian stone monument of a lion or a bear which growls and paws at the earth in front of an important entrance.

Note that the spell cannot be directly or indirectly used to injure, harm or damage any living or non-living thing; this is not a combat spell. Nor can the spell be used to directly or indirectly destroy the object upon which it has been cast.

"Awake! Awake! Bring forth thine light! Shine inner self, burn forth thine might!"

Faerie Lights (Level 3)

Range: 10 feet per level of the caster

Duration: 1 hour/level

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 15 for the spell, 40 for a permanent enchantment

With only the will and concentration of the caster, this spell creates 1D4 enchanted glowing lights per level of the caster, in the form of tangible floating spheres one inch in diameter. The spheres may be any color within the visible spectrum, and may be picked up at any time and placed in various positions; such as the sockets of a sculpture, gathered in a wire basket or lamp, worn in the hair as an ornament, or to adorn one’s vestments in an impressive manner. Left alone the spheres will hover above ground level and can be mentally maneuvered up to ten feet in the air. The permanent version of this spell creates a set of ever-burning globes that actually last 1D4x100 years per level of the caster. The Lady herself has three such pale blue spheres that her mother enchanted to wear with her wedding gown, more than a century gone.

"Gentle light, a faerie glow, sparking candle, falling snow, dewdrop jewels of precious form, within mine hands I wish you born!"

Feather’s Freefall (level 6)

Range: Touch or up to ten feet of the caster, within line of sight

Duration: 1 week per level of the caster

Saving: Standard

P.P.E.: 40 for the spell, 100 for a permanent enchantment

The name of this spell is somewhat misleading, and the Lady has been contemplating granting another title to the enchantment; instead of bestowing a true freefall effect upon any targeted object, the magic reduces the heaviness of said object to one tenth of its true weight. Organic and inorganic material may be enchanted, stone, wood, glass and metal, textiles and foodstuffs and liquids; living things are not affected. Up to fifty pounds per level of the caster may be affected, by simply grouping all the caster wishes to enchant within a ten foot radius. This is a particularly effective spell when linked casters join powers for such projects as architectural endeavors and merchant trains. The permanent version of the spell lasts 1D4x100 years per level of the caster.

"Pull of gravity, desist! No longer shall thine weight resist! Be ye heavy or be ye light, feather’s freefall is now thine right!"

Forever-Cleansing (Level 4)

Range: Touch or up to 10 feet per level of the caster, within line of sight

Duration: 1 month per level of the caster

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 20 for the spell, or 50 for a permanent enchantment

This spell allows the caster to enchant up to ten pounds of clothing, armor, or fabric per level of the caster. With the correct enchantment in place, the magically imbibed garments will be free for the magic’s duration of soot and grime, grease and sweat, the stains of food and foul waters, and soil and blood. The permanent spell lasts 1D4x100 years per level of the caster. This is quite a handy spell to have on hand while slogging through dingy dungeons or festering forests, or even in the kitchen of a sloppy cook.

"Foul and dirty mess, begone! Never plague this wearer’s charm, dust and soot and slime and supper, nay naught a crumb shall pass! For such as that is most unsuccor, and so the stains be banished! Forever more will cleanliness last!"

Glow-worm’s Breath (level 3)

Range: Touch or up to ten feet from the caster per level, within line of sight

Duration: Three hours per level of the caster

Saving: Standard

P.P.E.: 15 for the spell, 50 for a permanent enchantment

Casting this spell upon any object imbibes the vessel with the soft roseate glow of the humble nocturnal worm bearing the same title as the magic. Once cast, the target softly shines from within with a clear, unwavering light. The illumination does not disrupt one’s sight when lit in total darkness, nor does the light affect infrared vision. The light can be dampened with a touch from the caster, and of course may be disguised by being completely covered with something opaque. The permanent version of this spell lasts 1D4x10 years per level of the caster.

"Gently creep forth, little worm, glowing softly through the shroud, give unto us thine soft light, banish shadow from this form!"

Greenwood to Shining Steel (level 7)

Range: Touch

Duration: One hour per level of the caster

Saving: Standard

P.P.E.: 25 for the spell, 90 for a permanent enchantment

As one would suppose from the name, this spell transmutates ordinary wooden objects into organic-appearing metal; whether a quarterstaff or a bench, a platter or a door, any item of non-living wood may be enchanted to sustain ten times more damage, becoming hard and cold as steel. Weapons, or objects used as weapons, receive a +4 to damage; the temporarily magical object still retains its original physical form, color, and weight. By all appearances save a 'detect magic' spell or equivalent, the item looks plain and ordinary. The permanent version of this spell lasts only 1D4x5 years per level of the caster.

"By root and leaf which whence thou came, alter countenance in all but name, bind the strength of metals of the earth from which thou sprang!"

Heat of Efreet, Shiva’s Frost (level 6)

Range: Touch or up to ten feet per level of the caster, within line of sight

Duration: 1 week per level of the caster

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 20 for the spell, or 70 for a permanent enchantment

Merchants, travelers, and adventurers all have found this particular dual spell to be of wonderful aid along their journeys. The magic bestows upon an article of clothing or armor a temperature-moderating ability, so that in cold climates one will be kept toasty warm, and adversely cool and comfortable in a humid, torpid jungle. Any such garment cast with this spell, whether temporary or permanent, will rise greatly in value and demand. Many of the Western nobility setting forth on their quests into the Great Northern Wilderness outfit their entire parties with clothing cast with this magic. The permanent spell lasts 1D4x100 years per level of the caster.

"Flame of sunfire, sting of snow, whisper winds whose breath naught blows, seal this garment from thine fate, weather’s touch shall dissipate!"

Mend Thyself (level 6)

Range: Touch or up to ten feet per level of the caster, within line of sight

Duration: 1 month per level of the caster

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 40 for the spell, or 100 for a permanent enchantment

Akin to the Mend spell, this magical incantation not only repairs inanimate material to its original state, free from damage, wear and tear; but repeatedly maintains the target from succumbing to further destruction by restoring 5 S.D.C. per hour, including such material as wool knit clothing, chain mail and plate armor, furnishings and textiles and architecture. Many a bar back or innkeeper has found this spell to be a great boon after a brawl in their tavern or wine shop, for once the ruffians are dealt with by the law all one must do is wait for the broken chairs and smashed crockery to put itself back together again. Adventurers also greatly enjoy the benefits of this spell for their oft-attacked persons and the armaments that protect their vitals. The permanent spell lasts 1D4x100 years per level of the caster, and increases the value of even modest craftsmen’s wares by several times.

"Remember, crafting, of thy shape? Bind fast together, reparate, tie together thy shape and form, from broken bits thou art reborn!"

Mystic Metal Embroidery (level 5)

Range: Touch

Duration: Permanent

Saving: None

P.P.E.: Special

This incantation delves somewhat into frivolity rather than a practical means, though it is certainly of use to the everyday warrior, guardsman, and mercenary. Those sages in council with the Lady have been somewhat critical of her expenditure of time and effort to create this spell, though secretly many of them reap the benefits of its magic. Specifically, utilizing this spell allows the caster to literally embroider metal such as chain mail, wire or metal thread of any element; whether spinning gossamer strings of molten gold to weave a fantastical necklace, or the links of a ring mail tunic to form a rampart lion within the pattern of the chain, liquid or solid any metal may be manipulated. The P.P.E. cost to the caster is 15 points per cubic foot of material. Thus a near-endless rope of silver or platinum may be woven, but a torque or coif once complete ends the spell’s cycle. Many a paramilitary organization, rich noble fool, and wealthy warrior (and even those of more modest means) pay willingly for this magic to be wrought; or for mages to read from prepared scrolls to create these truly lovely works of art. A curious and beneficial side-effect is the addition of 20 S.D.C. to each object manipulated by this spell.

"Arachne, weave your tangled web! Elements of metal, flow! Insinuate together, Weaver, bind these threads in patterns true!"

Never rust or Iron Dust (level 5)

Range: Touch or up to ten feet per level of the caster, within line of sight

Duration: 1 year per level of the caster

Saving: Standard

P.P.E.: 15 for the spell, or 60 for a permanent enchantment

Yet another practical spell that many a mercenary, city guard or gladiator has found to be of great use within their line of work; merchants and tinkers too also enjoy the benefits of the magic, which bestows upon the target a semi-permanent warding of non-rust. Even if left in standing water, the enchanted metal will not decompose and become brittle or break. Arms and armaments, as well as metal tools, cutlery and cooking implements, jewelry and architectural elements are all within the sphere of influence for the spell. The reverse affect of this spell is an instantaneous rusting of the caster’s target; whether a simple steel door or the chest plate of an adversary, the target receives a standard saving throw versus magic. In this instance the caster may completely rust, and thereby render forever useless, fifty pounds of metal per level of the caster. The permanent version of the spell lasts 1D4x100 years per level of the caster.

"Cold hard iron, work of smiths, unto you I grant this gift, never rusting, free from decay, to shine forever as you do this day!"

"Feel the tang of deadly rust, crumbling pieces turn to dust, shake and warp with time’s cold breath, into the earth you go to rest!"

Pristine Preservation (level 2)

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 month per level of the caster

Saving: None

P.P.E.: 6 for the spell, 25 for a permanent enchantment

One may find this simplistic spell practiced by many a cook’s apprentice and butcher across the city, as nearly anyone with a spark of the Gift may utilize this very basic enchantment. Simply stated, the magic will preserve any cooked or uncooked foodstuffs for one month per level of the caster; including raw meats, baked goods, vegetables, sweetmeats, soups and stews, and so forth. While most of the previously described folk are the very meanest of wizards, still the spell allows them to keep a freshly prepared meat pie covered on a shelf, for eight weeks ore more; a real boon to some of the great inns of the Western Empire, who have sent several representatives to purchase scrolls of this spell for their masters. The permanent version of this spell grants a nearly-lifelong freshness imparted unto the foodstuffs, for 1D6x3 years per level of the caster.

"Rot and mold of age, cast forth! Remember and retain thy dearth!"

Weather’s Grace (level 4)

Range: Touch or up to ten feet of the caster, within line of sight

Duration: 1 week per level of the caster

Saving: Standard

P.P.E.: 15 for the spell, 60 for a permanent enchantment

This enchantment completely weatherproofs the targeted object to perfection, removing the threat of water logging or swelling, drying and cracking, mold and mildew; both organic and inorganic material will repel the elements effortlessly with the magic. Up to fifty pounds per level of the caster may be affected within a ten foot radius. This spell is rather cleverly applied to such garments as boots and cloaks, as well as camping gear, satchels and packs, and animal blankets and the like. The permanent version of the spell lasts 1D4x100 years per level of the caster.

"Rain nor snow nor sleet nor hail, winter’s breath or sun’s hot flail, keep thy grasp from touching thee, mint perfection’s now thine key!"

Return to the entrance of the apothecary.

The eastern curtain remains to be seen ...

At the counter the Lady awaits your interest ...

The Dutch door is quite enticing with the smell of baked breads.

The northern glassed door shines with sunlight and green growing things.

The weapons alcove already has a visitor ...

Music for this page : Song of the Crystal.

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