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Our History

MIDGE HYLTON, was a very successful Shetland Sheepdog breeder along with her husband John Hylton. They obtained their first Lhasa Apso in 1968 from Pandan Kennels of Onnie Martin.

John owner-handled several generations of Hamilton stock Lhasas champions. Hylan Lhasa Apsos achieved their Register of Merit from the American Lhasa Apso Club in 1976 having bred more than 20 champions. In 1978 Midge became licensed to judge. After the death of John Hylton, Midge hired Pat Keen to handle Hylan Nai-Kai of Kyi ru a white line bred Hamilton male at The American Lhasa Apso National Specialty in 1981. He was Award Reserve Winners Dog. Midge was introduced to Dorothy Kendall who was the breeder and handler of BIS. Ch. Orlane’s Intrepid and she was so impressed with this beautiful dog that she asked Dorothy to sell him or one of his offspring’s to her. One year later, the first of several successful Orlane’s Intrepid Lhasas joined the Hylan Sho Tru Kennels of Midge and Pat in California.
PAT KEEN began in purebred dogs as a young girl accompany her neighbor to Summer Dog Shows to show Pandan Po Nya. Pat successfully shown in Junior Showmanship with Onnie’s daughters. This was her first introduction to Dog Shows. In 1972, Pat acquired a Hamilton Krisna Lhasa who became a foundation bitch to Sho Tru Lhasas today. She was successfully mated to Ch. Orlane’s Inimitable one of the top winners at that time. This was the beginning of a long mentorship between Pat Keen and Dorothy Kendall. Pat bred and owner-handled her first BIS Lhasa in 1984 a product of Hamilton to Orlane breeding.

ShoTru Lhasa Apso received it Register of Merit award in 1985 from the American Lhasa Apso Club. The combination of the present day Hylan Sho Tru Lhasa Apsos began in 1984. Subsequently they have been a successful breeders and owners of over 120 Lhasa Apsos champions to date. They include many Top Producing Sires and Dams in the Breed today as well as four National Specialty winners in the U.S. and Canada, numerous top winning all breed Best in Show winners worldwide.  Pat is the breeder/owner/handler of the number one Lhasa Apso in America in 1995 Bis Biss Am. Can. Ch. Hylan Sho Tru Snow Up Date. As a successful professional handler, Pat has campaigned many generations of top-winning Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Tibetan Terriers, Tibetan Spaniels, Pekingese, over the years to BIS and National Specialty wins. She has finished numerous champions to both American and Canadian titles representing some of America’s leading kennels. Recognized as a perfectionist when it comes to grooming and show presentation, a college graduate with a teaching background, Pat has lectured and conducted seminars in the U.S., England, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South America on the subjects of breeding, training, show presentation, and grooming as applied to the   different standards of drop-coated breeds. Pat serves as a director for the American Lhasa Apso Club and was active in the development of its judges’ education program.

Midge actively judges today having judged in Europe, South America, Australia as well as the United States. She is considered a breed specialist and has judged many specialties and National Specialties around the world.

In 1994 Pat met WAGNER FERNANDES from Brazil, a successful breeder of BIS Doberman Pinschers and Yorkshire Terriers at a Dog Show in Miami. Developing an excellent working friendship, Pat handled and exported several American Champions for Wagner. By 1997 things between Pat and Wagner became more than just good friendship. Wagner moved to California and they were married in September. Wagner still maintains in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Wafer Kennels breeding Yorkshire Terriers with his mother Cleusa Fernandes.
Wagner’s involvement in dogs began in 1980 with Dobermans, breeding many Top Winners. He purchased his first Yorkshire Terrier as a gift for his mother who wanted a smaller dog. Wafer Yorkshire Terriers is the home of Top Winning Yorkshire Terriers being the breeders of three different number one winning Yorkshire Terriers in Sao Paulo in the last 5 years. Assisted by his sister Katia Fernandes Araujo, a Maltese breeder, Wagner became a very highly skilled groomer and a respected handler of Toy Breeds, campaigning # 1 Nation Maltese 1996. Along with many others group winning Shih Tzus and Best in Show Lhasa Apsos including BIS.Am.Can.Brazil International Champion Hylan Sho Tru Fire Bird and International Am. Brazil Champion Hylan Sho Tru Hot Deal, bred by Pat and Midge. Wagner represents and handles today for some of Brazil’s top breeders.


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