Pictured with his Breeder -Owners as the Best Bred by in Show at the 2000 American Maltese National Show under Elaine Young in Las Vegas
" Roquinho" finished his American Championship in 4 shows with all majors including the National, the first Brasilian Bred Maltese to do this.
Roquinho, will remain in the U.S. with us in California.Watch for his very promising new puppies
Ch. Richelieu's Puttin on the Ritz "Ritzy" won back to back majors his first two shows from the 6-9 puppy class and puppy group first.Ritzy is sired by Ch. Richelieu's Hot Son of a Gun out of a Frosty Daughter. breeder owner handled by Pat Keen-Fernandes. Ritzy now loves and resides with Jean Haley, Rijes Maltese
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