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Review - Bowfinger

Cast Party

Making a movie is more interesting than you would imagine. The Blair Witch Project tackled the frightening side of filmmaking, and now Bowfinger shows us the hilarity. And does it show us the hilarity!

This is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a while. It's a different kind of funny than Mystery Men, which was more goofy funny, or South Park, which is social commentary funny. No, Bowfinger is really truly funny. It might not have made me laugh quite as much or as hard as the other two films did, but it had its moments.

The basic story of Bowfinger is this: Director Bobby Bowfinger (Steve Martin) is determined to make an important film before he turns 50. But he can't sell his movie, Chubby Rain, unless he can fulfill his ill-made promise of delivering star Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy). So, he decides he will get Kit in his flick by filming the actor from afar. He gets a Kit lookalike (also played by Eddie Murphy) for some up-close shots, and hires an actress, Daisy (Heather Graham), who turns out to be more than they bargained for. What they don't know is that Kit is extremely paranoid, and thinks more of these strange encounters than is really necessary...

Pay close attention to the scenes in Kit's mental hospital, Brainhead. Those were some of the funniest. And the ending is hilarious as well. It's films like this that make you wonder just what all those b-movie directors do in their spare time.

A short, sweet review for a great film. I'm just trying as hard as I can not to spoil the jokes!

Grade - B+

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