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December 20, 1999 - Monday

The snow continued today. It means I'll have to walk to work tomorrow. Blech.

I didn't go to bed too late last night, just around 3. This morning I woke up with no alarms, just naturally. It was nice. I did my laundry and then went out for a walk. I went to a coffee shop about five blocks away and had spaghetti. It was delicious. I must say, I've come a long way. When I first came to Japan I wouldn't go to a restaurant without someone else, now I go quite often. I can't read kanji, but I'm okay with hiragana and katakana on menus. It gives me a lot more freedom.

After my meal I walked home and watched Sabrina. I was surprised that Robby Benson was in it and played her dad. After it finished I went to the grocery store to get something for breakfast tomorrow. After I came home I watched "The Living Daylights" but the storm knocked out the satellite TV, so I couldn't find out how it ends. Darn!

I'm watching the SMAP SMAP Christmas special right now. For those of you who are don't know, SMAP is one of Japan's pop groups. They're generally pretty good, but they just murdered "White Christmas". Bing would be turning over in his grave.

In a slightly related story, last night at karaoke, I sang The Beatles "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da". Afterwards someone complimented me on my pronunciation. It was pretty funny. Paul or John I'm not though.

And that was my day. Pretty dull. Not exciting, but okay.

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