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April 7, 2000 - Friday

I did something a bit unusual for me. I booked myself a holiday. I'm off to Guam in about a week, I think. I say I think because there was a bit of trouble with my card, but I think I'll be okay. I'll call and check tomorrow.

Work was fine today. Classes went really well, we had fun in class I think. I did anyway!

It was Cosmo day today, so of course I went out for lunch. I had something new and I don't know what it was! It was some kind of crispy noodles with veggies and seafood. It was yummy.

After work, one of my students who couldn't come to class met me in the lobby and invited me to lunch on Sunday. That was a nice surprise.

Then, when the three of us were finished in the office we decided to go out for ramen. We went to our favourite shop but it was crowded so we tried a new place. It was pretty good, but after we sat down, a bunch of other people came in and they were pretty loud! Still it was good. We had vegetable ramen. Yum. Today I got a lot of veggies. Yay me!

Then I came home and wrote a lot of e-mail, then this entry. Tomorrow should be fun I think! Catch you then.

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