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April 8, 2000 - Saturday

Today was generally a great day. Almost all of my students showed up, the weather was good and I got a card from home.

Wow...that's a lot of info all in one breath isn't it? My classes did go quite well. They were fun. We talked about sports, technology, and how to make questions. Lots of stuff.

After my last class I talked to a student and he told me that he wants to keep studying. Yay. That's always a nice thing to hear.

The weather was quite nice today. Not windy, a little warm. Just nice.

I got an Easter Card from one of my friends in Canada. I'd almost forgotten that Easter was coming up. Here in Japan it isn't a holiday that gets a lot of air time.

I should be off to bed soon, I have to get up fairly early tomorrow. I'm going out for lunch and then to a concert. I've been looking forward to it for a few weeks! Night all.

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