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April 9, 2000 - Sunday

Today was a terrific day. The weather...since I always seem to start with the weather, was amazing. It was sunny and warm. I wore a simple dress with short sleeves and although I carried a sweater all day, I didn't need it.

I went to bed too late last night...around 4:30 am. That was kinda stupid. I knew I'd have a tough time waking up this morning, and I did! However, the knowledge that my student would arrive at 11:00 am, and the Bay City Rollers were enough to get me out of bed.

I wore my blue dress. It's one of the few casual dresses that I have. It's comfortable, washable and doesn't show wrinkles much. Perfect eh?

I went to my student's house and met his mother. I realized when I got there that I had stupidly left my present to her sitting in my refrigerator. Oops! She doesn't speak English and well, I don't exactly speak Japanese! Nonetheless, we managed to communicate a bit! She made lunch for us, tempura, miso soup, ika (squid), and of course rice. Yum.

After lunch we went to Sakata for the concert. We got a bit lost in Sakata, but eventually found the concert hall. We sat down and I saw one of my old students, so she ended up sitting next to me. It was nice to see her again.

The concert itself was great. I enjoyed the music although I didn't know what they were singing about.

After the concert my student, his mother and I drove back to Tsuruoka and went for a curry. Then, after making a quick stop at the grocery store, we went back to his house for coffee and strawberries. Yum.

His mother kept trying to ply me with food, but to be honest, I was still quite full from the curry. We talked and played with my student's dog. It was nice, low key and relaxing. Although I was invited to stay there overnight (I'm sure it was a joke), I declined. We did keep putting off the leaving time though. Around 9:00 pm he drove me home, chaperoned very properly by his mother!

In the last few hours since I got home I watched TV...there was a movie on, but I just can't remember what in the heck it was, oh yeah, The Saint. It was okay, for an American movie. Didn't the filmmakers ever read Leslie Charteris's books? Simon Templar was the quintessential Englishman. Why do they do it? Change the characters like that?

Now I'm watching the Academy Awards. It's really interesting. I know from the papers who won, but between the tape and my friend's notes I sort of feel like I'm watching it live. Yay.

I have to go to bed soon, because I have a busy day planned tomorrow. Wish me luck. I hope I can get it all done!

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