April 27, 2000 - Thursday
Good grief, is it Thursday already? I'm kind of surprised. This week has passed
so quickly. Maybe that's a sign of a good week? I've been quite busy at work.
Not with classes today, although I was yesterday. I had a staff meeting, 2 level
checks or interviews and four classes. Not terribly busy technically, but I was still a bit
tired at the end of the day. I did get to leave the office early so that was nice.
I taught my 4 year old again today and it was interesting. We somehow lost the "G"
card for phonics so I had to improvise and take a picture of a gorilla and make the
letter for the back. The alternative was to not teach him "G". Good idea? I think
not! He was a bit surprised, but it seemed to work.
One of the level checks that I did was for a woman who was supposed to have been my
student, but she discovered that she was pregnant before she started my class and
took a long vacation from English. Well, the baby is 5 months old and my student
is ready to start again. Its going to be fun I think. She will be joining my all male class!
On my way to work I went to the bank to pay rent. The banking system is so different
to the one I'm used to. It wasn't so crowded today, but it took a long time anyway.
Now I just have to remember to pay my on line bill and I'm set for next month!
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