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April 29, 2000 - Saturday

Today was quiet, yet busy. I did in fact start my cleaning. I thought I'd start with the least pleasant job first, so I cleaned the toilet room and sink area. It took a while, but I did a pretty thorough job I think.

When I was cleaning today, the gas lady came, so I was able to pay for my gas. Yay. No trips to the gas company this month.

After I finished along the hall, I started on the living room. I haven't done a lot, but it does look a bit better already.

I finally watched the video I had rented, 8 mm. It was....okay. Beverly Hills Cop 3 was on tonight so I watched that. I didn't actually know that there was a third one made...just average. Dharma & Greg was pretty funny tonight.

It's been a bit lonely, today has. Usually this is a busy day at work for me, but today I worked hard at home.

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with a former co-worker and her husband. That should be nice. I haven't seen them in a while.

I never did fill you in on the end of that book I was raving about, "The Killing Game". Well, sadly it turned into an average "psycho stalking the nice lady" story. The scientific work of skull reconstruction was pretty much forgotten. It just seemed like the author gave up on the interesting stuff in lieu of getting her story told. So, a disappointment for me. If you want to read it, it's not awful or anything, but I'd say this is a borrow from the library book, not a buy-er.

And that's all from my computer tonight. Tune in tomorrow and find out what lunch was like. Later eh!

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