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April 30, 2000 - Sunday

There's something mysteriously satisfying about doing dishes late, late at night. Maybe it's knowing that I'll wake up with a cleaner kitchen that does it, I'm not sure.

Anyway, on with today's report. Before I went out today I decided to wash my net curtain. If I'm going to wash windows I should probably wash the curtains too.

Ritsuko and Koshi picked me up right on time at 12:30 and we drove to Yunohama. The restaurant they chose was really nice...part of a minshuku they said. We had a 4 course meal, and it was wonderful.

After lunch Ritsuko said she wanted to go and see the sea, and I admit I really wanted to too. I haven't been to a beach in Japan this year yet. So we went and walked down to the sea, it was nice but looked a bit cold.

When we finished at the beach we drove to a place that I can't remember the name for. It was a kind of leisure park with tons of tulips. It was beautiful. There were lots of people there though.

Following after the park we went to Zenpoji Temple. We walked up the steps to the top? middle? of the hill and lit some incense there. The view was amazing and the actual temple buildings were intricately carved from wood. Looking at them you can just feel the devotion of the carvers.

The next place we went was to a new home improvement centre in Tsuruoka. We wandered around to get a look at it. It was huge and majorly crowded. After that, Ritsuko and Koshi dropped me off at home.

After a few minutes I changed and went out on my own. I returned my video and when I was at the store, I found two more that I wanted to see. I rented "Blast From the Past" and "Cruel Intentions". "Blast From the Past" was darn cute and I'm enjoying "Cruel Intentions" a lot. I dropped them off at home and went to the new grocery center. There wasn't a lot I wanted to buy, although there was a lot of stuff in the store.

I came home again and started watching movies. Later I washed the dishes as mentioned above.

And that's about it. Nighty night!

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