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May 1, 2000 - Monday

I slept late today because I didn't go to bed until 5:30 ish. I wanted to take out some garbage before I went to bed. Tonight I did it anyway, and it's only 2:50!

I was busy today, I really was. I washed my curtains, the windows, and thoroughly cleaned the living room. I can hardly recognize the place.

After working for hours without stopping for food, I decided to go out for supper. Luckily there is a restaurant near my place that stays open late, so I went there. I had mushroom spaghetti and Caesar salad. It was pretty good.

When I came back I took out my garbage. I'm not going to say how many bags I took out. Just know that it was a lot!
Tomorrow, should I tackle the bedroom or the kitchen? I'm not sure yet. Depends how I feel.

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