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December 14, 2000 - Thursday

Hurray! Today I got two, count'em TWO Christmas cards. People love me! And yesterday I got an e-mail card too. Hurray. I feel a lot more Christmassy now.

It's actually reasonably warm today! It's been around -1 all day. It did snow a bit, but the roads aren't too bad to walk on. I just wish that this city believed in snow removal a bit more.

I taught stamping in one of my lessons today, and I'm going to do it again tomorrow, and on Saturday. It's a different way to do a culture lesson. Not only that, but it's a lot of fun.

Oh, the apple sauce and ice cream last night was incredible. It was so good. I really enjoyed it. I recommend it to everyone.

I stayed a little late at the office tonight. I wanted to finish one of the paper chains that I started. It's been sitting on my desk for a week, I just haven't gotten around to finishing it. Well, it's done now. I might be able to hang it up tomorrow.

Today was pretty good. I mailed off 2 Christmas cards this afternoon and wrote one up tonight, for tomorrow's mailing.

I have to go, I have a few e-mails that I have to write. I've been putting them off for a while. Oh dear. Still, everyone is busy at this time of year.


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