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December 20, 2000 - Wednesday

Hello boys and girls. How's it going today? Well, today was really warm here in Otaru. Even tonight, it was only -1 on the walk home. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I ate breakfast at home today. Yep, I actually had toast. Toasted in my own toaster oven. Are you impressed? You should be!

I knew that two of my flex students weren't coming to school today, but I didn't know that one of my children's classes wasn't coming either. There was some family reason that he couldn't come. That meant I had only one class today. Sigh. It was boring. The class that I taught went really well, I did a Christmas lesson with a stamping finale.

I did a lot of prep work today and even prepped a class for next week. I hope I don't have too many more cancellations this week.

After school I was all set to go, but Justin popped in his video of A Blackadders Christmas Carol, or something to that effect. It was so funny. We didn't watch it all, but we did watch it for a bit. After that we walked home together. It was nice to chat, or in my case, puff and hurry up during the conversation.

We stopped at the convenience store and I made the mistake of looking in the ice cream freezer. They had Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Walnut Brownie ice cream. I've never heard of anything that sounded so delicious so I bought some. It's in my freezer. I haven't given in to temptation yet, but it's calling my name. Sigh. I bought a couple of sandwiches for the morning too.

When I got home I finished the loaf of bread that I bought on Monday. I think it's the first time I've finished a loaf of bread since I moved to Hokkaido. I'm impressed with me! Then, I wrote a few more New Years Cards. I'm up to 10 now, but I have a few that I must write yet.

Anyway, that's about it for me for tonight. Not an exciting day, but I'm a little happier than I was in the morning and that's a good thing!

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