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July 2, 2000 - Sunday

I had an interesting day. I got up fairly early for me, around 11 am and I did laundry. I also received a phone call back from my friend. It was so nice to hear from him and it cheered me up no end. We giggled a lot...nice!

I did my laundry then I went off to change my videos. I got some pretty good ones. I got "St Elmo's Fire" (the 80's live!), and "Wilde" (Stephen Fry is wonderful). I also got a few groceries, although I haven't figured out how to get a 5 kg bag of rice home with me.

The rest of the day I spent watching the movies I rented, the free weekend of the scrambled cable channel and regular TV. I actually saw Seinfeld again.

A bit after midnight I called my sister and talked to her. No special news or anything, just a sisterly chat. I even got to talk to Katie-chan. I could understand her for a change and we had an actual conversation about the swimsuit I gave her! My, how time flies.

After that I watched "Wilde". Stephen Fry and the entire cast did a great job. I always enjoyed reading Oscar Wilde, except for most of his short stories. I found them too sad. I always wanted to cry when I read them.

Anyhow, I'm going to try and figure out the garbage system and then go to bed. Nighty night....

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