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July 3, 2000 - Monday

Today was humid. I think the humidity was about 98 per cent. Yuck. It was cloudy too, visibility was bad everywhere I went.

I went to bed around 4:00 am this morning. I was watching movies and I wanted to get the garbage out of my apartment. I took it out, first time, and it must have been okay as it all went. Yay. Then, bed.

I finally roused myself around 11 and I took a shower and went out. I decided that I was going to go to Sapporo today. So, I did. I mailed the 3 letters that I wrote yesterday, and tried to pay a bill from Tsuruoka, but I couldn't. Sigh.

I found a train to Sapporo and and as I had some time before it left I grabbed a burger for breakfast. The train ride was uneventful, and as there was no visibility, really boring! I got a bit lost in Sapporo station, but I banked on the fact that usually the first way I try to go is a mistake, so I turned around and went out the other exit. Good thing too, as it was the one I wanted to use!

I walked to Odori Park and beyond, going and looking in some shops and just looking at other places. I found the Virgin Mega store and restrained myself to only buying 5 cds. (Restrained???) I got a Dean Martin cd, one that is actually 2 records on one cd. I'm looking forward to that one. I got a couple of variety cds, and a KT Oslin. In a fit of nostalgia for my high school/university days, I also bought Jack Wagner's All I Need cd. I have the record....but it's in Canada.

After the Virgin Mega store I went shopping for books. I found Kinokunia, but wasn't terribly impressed. I did however buy the newest Sue Grafton "O is for Outlaw" and the British Cosmo. Then, I went looking for Maruzen books and found it. I'd walked right by it on my way to Virgin. I bought an Ian Rankin book from the bargain bin, plus a magazine and some fake tattoos. I know it sounds silly, but these ones are Egyptian and they look really cool. Too bad I can't wear them at work....or can I? (he he he!)

Then I was getting a bit peckish again so I went for something to eat. I went to a really posh looking place in Mitsukoshi, and had a very salty "gratin" or as I like to call it, "macaroni and cheese with shrimp". The atmosphere was nice, but really the food was too salty.

Having done all that I decided that I should leave Sapporo. I found a sidewalk stall that was selling Indian goods and I bought a couple of rugs for my floor, and to cover the zaisu. Then, back to the station. However, I realized that there were many people going in the same direction and I didn't want to be on the same train as all of them. Eek. I decided to do a bit more window shopping (a girl can never have too many windows after all). I went into a store, Tokyu to be exact and just rode the escalator for a while. I did find a floor that purported to sell large size clothing so I had a look around. There was a section with extra large sizes, and I had a look around. The clothes were quite nice, but to be honest, horribly expensive. I have no wish to pay ¥19,000 for a shirt. I could get my sister to go to a store in Canada, buy one, ship it to me, and pay her $50 dollars to do it and it would still be cheaper. However, having said that, it was really nice to find a place where I can go if I'm desperate for something new.

Then, back to the train station. I finally got there and of course, I just missed the express, so I took a local train. It was fine, I got a seat and just relaxed. I got off at the local station and came home. I popped in the last of my videos, "A Life Less Ordinary" with Ewan McGregor and Cameron Diaz. It was awful. The only good part was a karaoke bit which ended up in a dance routine. Just a waste of good video if you ask me.

I later read my British Cosmo....I think I should change my subscription to the British one, it's so much funnier and I don't even know the celebs the American one talks about now anyway.

And that's about it. Oh yeah, I got an e-mail from a friend in Canada to tell me that she's expecting baby number four. Wow.

So, I'm off to bed and off to work tomorrow....wish me luck!

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