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July 4, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was an okay day. I prepared for my classes and then there was a telephone meeting I had to attend. After that I taught and after my lessons finished for the day I had a chat time. There were only 3 people there, but it was fun.

I went out for lunch today. I got my Cosmo, which arrived via Tsuruoka. So it was fun to eat and read the's so trashy!

I also got a box of videos from my sister so when I got home I popped in a video. I watched a cool episode of Voyager where Seven of Nine was a gladiator of sorts. If she took on Russell Crowe, I wonder who'd win!

I cooked a few gyoza tonight, that was nice to have something that I made for supper. Okay, I didn't make them, but I did cook them...does it count.

Not much to say today...sorry!

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