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July 6, 2000 - Thursday

Today was okay. I mailed off my letters and went in to work.

Work started well, but my last two classes cancelled. That was sad. I did a bit of lobby service and did things like cleaning and taking stray staples out of the walls.

I was going to walk home with Justin but he discovered that he didn't have his keys so he went back to the office to look for them. I continued home. When I got home I discovered that he'd left his keys in his lock...He called and I told him the happy news. I took the keys out of his lock and put them in his apartment then I went off to the video store. I decided to return my videos now as on Sunday I have a meeting in Sapporo.

I picked up Fools Rush In with Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek and Highlander 3. I'm watching the latter now, it's pretty good actually. I'm surprised. It's much better than Highlander 2.

That's it for today. Tomorrow I have an exciting day of only one lesson. Yay! I have to plan up a storm for Saturday though.

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