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July 7, 2000 - Friday

Today was okay. I only had one class today, the other student had told me that he couldn't come. I did a lot of planning for tomorrow and some other stuff. Before work I even vacuumed the school.

The lesson that I had today went well. It was the kids lesson. There are different abilities in that class so it's hard to balance it, but today it worked. And, as an added bonus, the kids enjoyed it too.

After work I went out for drinks with a couple of students and some of my co-workers. I didn't drink, but it was nice to go out again. I left at midnight though, because I'll have a busy day tomorrow. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to find my way home, but it actually wasn't that difficult.

And that's it for me for tonight. I have to get to bed soon, or study some Japanese tonight, which ever I feel like doing most!

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