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July 8, 2000 - Saturday

I was busy today at work, but it was nice for a change. I had 7 classes...but they were all prepared and everything. They were interesting too. There was a guest in one of my classes. He just flew in from Switzerland and was with one of my students.

We ordered lunch again but it came in good time this week. It was good, rice with lots of veggies.

After work tonight I walked home as usual, then decided I'd climb up and see the temple at the top of the hill. I was huffing and puffing when I got there, but I did make it. The view was nice but it was a bit misty and foggy so it wasn't as nice as it was the last time I went there.

At home I answered some e-mail, some of which was really funny. I also popped in Fools Rush In, it's okay, but not great. I have to get going soon, I have to go to a meeting tomorrow and I'm doing a presentation. That's about it for today. Wish me luck tomorrow...please!

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