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July 9, 2000 - Sunday

A good day today. I got up at my usual weekly time but it didn't seem too early...maybe because I got to bed at a reasonable hour?

I didn't eat supper last night and I had nothing for breakfast so I got some stuff on the way to the train station. I found a good seat on the train and munched away.

I met up with Justin at Sapporo and we walked to the meeting. I got to meet a lot of the other teachers and that was nice. The meeting itself was really good. Everyone was really positive...nice. It was really hot there though, because the air conditioning wasn't on. Yikes. I drank so much tea!

We had bagels for lunch. Yum. I can't remember the last time I had a decent bagel. These were good ones. Salmon and cream cheese and also a vegetable bagel. Wonderful. I was in heaven for a few minutes.

After the meeting was over..oh yeah, my presentation went quite well, thank you...we went to a restaurant for some food and drinks. I had the food but only oolong tea to drink. It was nice speaking in English and getting to know new people again. I'm still in the stage of meeting I enjoyed it.

The three of us from Otaru left around 9:30 and we caught the bus back to Otaru. It was nice and relaxing actually.

When I got home I checked my e-mail and then answered it. I popped in one of Van's cassettes from home and watched a really funny "what if" Friends episode. It was a hoot.

Now I'm watching The Pretender. I'm off to bed when it's done. Night!

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