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July 10, 2000 - Monday

A busy day today. I left my alarm on, so it woke me up this morning. It was very annoying. I finally got up and I did laundry. Sadly the stuff didn't come out of my t-shirt. Last night at the restaurant I splashed some kind of sauce all over my fish t-shirt. I'll give it another try tomorrow I think.

After I did laundry I headed out to the mall. I took a long detour, explored a bit of Otaru that I hadn't seen before. At the mall I saw Mission Impossible 2. It was okay. Read my review for details!

Before the movie I went to a small cafe and had a late lunch and then went up to the theatre. When I was watching the movie, I had a thought that I could have been back in Canada. I used to go to the movies all the time in Canada, and now I hardly ever go!

After the movie I went shopping. I wanted to get a present for Hitomi, my old co-worker. I got her something that I hope she'll like. I also bought some more movie postcards and I did a bit of grocery shopping. I came home around 9:00 pm

A bit later I was watching Dirty Harry on TV and Gabrielle called me. It was nice to chat with her and find out about how she's getting on in Tsuruoka. Later, I watched ER and then re-watched the Friends episode I watched a few nights ago. I'll be going to bed in a few minutes. I have to work tomorrow.


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