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July 17, 2000 - Monday

I didn't go out at all today. I was too busy. I stayed home and worked. I cleaned/unpacked and put things away. My apartment finally looks looks like my place now. I rearranged the living room and the bedroom. It isn't perfect, I still have to clean the bathroom and the toilet, but on the whole it looks pretty good.

I also got a Summer Present today from Shonai. How nice! I got melons. I'm just not sure how I'll eat them all, but it'll be fun trying.

For tonight's supper I made some soup. I got it from one of my students last summer. It was Irish Potato soup and it was darn good! I ate it with some sesame breadsticks...yum.

I watched a bit of TV today, but not a lot. I finally got to see Sabrina again. It's the first Monday in ages where I've been home at that time.

I also watched The Dead Pool again, and ER. It was a good one. I think we are almost up to the time where Doug (George Clooney) leaves the show. Things are coming to a head with him.

And that's about it. I think that I'll go off to bed soon. I'm a bit tired. I worked hard today!

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