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July 18, 2000 - Tuesday

Hello there! Today was a pretty good day. Nothing too exciting or anything. My classes were okay, except in one class the student came 35 minutes late. Yikes!

My apartment still looks good. I'm amazed. Tonight I even cooked and did my dishes. I can't believe it.

I got a fax at work today from one of my ex-managers. It was sweet. The poor woman is really sick right now. I tried to phone her tonight but I got a recorded message in Japanese which I didn't understand!

In my classroom I found some old magazines and I've been reading them. It's quite interesting to read them. They are about 7 years it's a bit like a time capsule. It's also nice that they aren't Cosmo.

Tomorrow I'll be a tad busier. I have a model lesson, and a few privates maybe. Most of them are already prepared, except for the kids class.

And once again, that's all I'm going to write. I may go to a party tomorrow night, I'm not sure yet. I'll only know my co-workers, so I feel a bit funny about going to the party. Oh well. I might meet some people though, that would be nice.

Gotta go....bye bye!

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