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July 19, 2000 - Wednesday

Today was okay. The weather was nice too. Work was okay. One problem was that 2 of my classes cancelled again. It was sad...I had them all planned. Oh well.

I got a package from my sister today. She sent me some clothes. I always go a bit crazy if I don't get something new to wear once or twice a year. I haven't tried on the clothes yet, but I will.

One good thing that happened today was I did a model lesson, and the gentleman decided to come and study with me. Yay. I'm very happy about that.

After work, two of my co-workers and I got on a train and went to some place near the sea. One of my co-workers had been invited to a party so he invited us along too. It was funny. I went there to meet new people, but I spent the whole time talking to my co-worker! Still, it was nice, getting to know her outside work. We decided to leave on the next to last train, so caught it with lots of time to spare.

I came home, ate a little bit of supper and watched Dinosaurs and the re-run of 90210. I missed the 11:00 pm version of course.

And that's about it. Tomorrow I'm on holiday, it's Marine Day. I get to sleep in. Hurray! I don't get to do enough of that if you ask me! Night all.

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