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July 21, 2000 - Friday

Today was good. During my walk to work I often hear really old or funky tunes in the covered mall. Well, today the song in the mall was a personal favourite. The Partridge Family's "I Think I Love You." So I was singing loudly...getting a few stares, but no worries.

Work was fine. I only had a few classes, but they went well. I managed to get most of my prep done for tomorrow too.

After work I asked Justin, my co-worker to come over and have some tea. I got home before he did and I tidied a few little things and then put on the kettle. He finally came and we had a nice visit. I really enjoyed having someone over, even for something simple like tea.

And that's about it. I have a lot of classes tomorrow so I should get some sleep. Night!

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