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July 22, 2000 - Saturday

Today I was quite busy. I had 7 lessons and I think they all went quite well. The last two weren't only one person classes which made a big difference to me. I get really tired when I have to do half or more of the talking.

I don't have any exciting news or anything. I just tried to call my old manager, but I couldn't get her on the phone. Sigh.

I'll be a bit busy tomorrow. I have lots of things to do, laundry being chief and I have to work too. Boo. Actually, it should be fun I think.

I came home tonight and watched the rest of the Brendan Fraser movie from the other night. It was sweet. Not the greatest movie, but not bad at all.

That's about it. A not much happening sort of day. Made a nice change. Later.....

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