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July 24, 2000 - Monday

I had a busy day today. I cleaned! I finally attacked the bathroom and the toilet room. They look so much cleaner...they almost shine! It was darn hard work too. I think I can say I don't mind if I get visitors now.

It took me an age to get them clean, properly. I'd been putting it off since I got here.

I also did laundry, which with the antique equipment I've got here took forever. Still, it's done for another week or so. Yay!

Then I decided to go shopping. I went to Mycal and bought stuff. I bought wine glasses, a couple of towels, and a some magazines. I did buy some other stuff, but I'm not telling what!

I walked from one end of the mall to the other several times. I was quite tired. Somewhere I realized that I hadn't eaten all day! I found a really nice cafe on the second floor. I had a view of the ocean and I ate a really delicious salmon and cream cheese sandwich and I drank an iced cappuccino...which was wonderful too.

I briefly considered going to a movie, but then decided to come home instead. I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer...the movie again. It's fun stuff. I took a break for a call, and to watch ER. Tonight's episode was really good and interesting. I have to write a quick letter tonight too.

Good night!

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