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July 25, 2000 - Tuesday

Today was wet. It rained most of the day...kind of a drizzle. This morning it poured before I walked to work, but after I left the apartment it wasn't that bad.

I watched Party Of Five this morning...sort of. It comes on a channel that doesn't really come through on my TV. I could hear it well, but the picture was blurry.

Work was, okay. I taught 3 classes today, and did a bit of prep for tomorrow. I'll be quite a bit busier tomorrow. I also did a bit of prep for next Tuesday, as I'm taking half a day off.

I came home via the convenience store to get my supper. The poor guy in the store, waited until the end of ringing in my food before he asked if I wanted it heated. Then he asked me if I wanted chopsticks or a spoon...I said chopsticks, but he forgot to give them to me until I was ready to leave. Then he almost forgot to give back the garnish, he had to take it off to microwave it. It was funny! The poor guy was a bit flustered, but I didn't mind too much.

And then I walked home, watched the tail end of a very bad Mia Farrow/Max Von Sydow movie. It was awful. After that, the great British detective show...Touching Evil was on...can't wait for next week to see what happens.

That's about it. I'll be off to sleep soon I hope...I'm a bit tired. I didn't sleep too well last night.

Good night!

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