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June 17, 2000 - Saturday

I was a bit busy today, but only a bit. I was supposed to have 7 classes but the last double class didn't happen. Instead I did some lobby service and I decorated my classroom a bit. It isn't finished yet, but it's a bit more me.

It was another really hot and beautiful day again. The type that made me just want to keep on walking and not go in to work.

Classes went quite well today. For a first time I think they went rather well.

I came home and then went out again to pick something up for dinner. It was a nice walk.

Back at home I popped in a video that I bought ages ago, but was never in the right mood to watch it. Now I am. It's The Navigator-A Medieval Odyssey. It's a very cool story about plague ridden England and what one village does to avoid the disease. I saw it years ago in Edmonton, but found the video in Tsuruoka and bought it.

I might pop in something else now, or just go to bed. I can't say I've decided yet!

Anyway, I have no plans for tomorrow morning except sleeping so I can stay up if I want!

That's all you're getting from me for tonight! Later.....

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