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June 19, 2000 - Monday

A busy day, sort of. I did sleep in, but then again, I didn't go to bed until 5:30 am. I watched the end of Portrait of a Lady on the telly, I just don't get Henry James, I'm afraid. The man's stories do nothing for me. After Portrait was over, I don't even know why I watched it, since I disliked it so much, I popped in The Quick and the Dead. It was great! Russell baby. Yo mama!

I finally roused myself around 12:30 I think. I wrote e-mail for a while and then I decided to get out of the house.

I walked to City Hall to register my change of address. Naturally with this town, the City Hall was on a hill. Quite a steep one too. I passed an ice cream store on the way and mentally marked it. I found the City Hall and even though I couldn't speak a lot of Japanese and the man who helped me couldn't speak a lot of English, it went okay. I was out of there in 10? 15? minutes.

Since I was such a good citizen, I deserved ice cream. I went and had a chocolate ice cream cone. It was darn good. After that I decided to find the train station. I walked in what I thought was the general direction and found a post office. I sent a couple of letters and a package to my friend Janet in Canada for her son.

I did in fact come to the train navigation skills must be better than I thought! I hopped on a train back to the Mycal Otaru mall. In the mall, I checked out the theatre times, but sadly nothing was on at a good time for me. I wanted to go to a film, but I also wanted to do some grocery shopping before I left the mall and none of the films let me do that.

I looked for kiddies clothes. Katie-chan's birthday is coming up in August so I was looking for stuff for her. And, Kyla, my friend's daughter had a birthday last month that I never did get around to sending her a present for. I got some nice stuff and it didn't seem excessively expensive either.

Also at the mall, I ate a late lunch and bought a few groceries. Then I headed back. I got off at the same train station I did with Justin last night. I wasn't sure that I could find my way back, but I did, luckily. Most of it was downhill, except for the last bit...puff puff puff. This is good for me, right?

Back in my apartment tonight I watched 3 Men and a Baby, which was okay, if a bit dated. Then, when ER was on, I finally got busy. I did dishes. I washed every dish in the apartment I think. It took a long time cause they were very dirty. I've been putting off the job, but I got it done. I also cleaned out the freezer, which wasn't too clean. I put my new ice cube trays in, so I hope I'll be able to crunch some ice on the morrow. I'll have to do the fridge part soon.

And that's it. I was busy. It's late now, almost 2 am and I have to work tomorrow. Remind me to switch on the alarm!

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