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June 20, 2000 - Tuesday

I got my new kettle today, so to celebrate I came home, and used it. I also cooked myself a meal, the first time in months I think. I had fettucine carbonara. Yum. The kettle is really has a whistle and a white handle.

I got a letter at the school today from one of my Tsuruoka students. It was a nice surprise. It was very sweet too.

Classes went quite well today too. Everyone came, even the person that we didn't think would! I had sent her a postcard last week and she came in to meet me. That was nice.

On my lunch hour I mailed a package off to Canada. I have to mail another one tomorrow too. This one is for Katie-chan. I decided not to take both at once.

I think I'm going to have to invest in some drawers or something. I have a small set from Tsuruoka, but I'm going to need more. I'm not sure if I do buy them how I'll get them home, but it's something I should try to do. I need about 3 or 4 sets of drawers though. One for the kitchen and maybe 2 for the bedroom? That would be nice.

I read my fortune today and I was really surprised. It was all hearts. It said that I'd be reunited with an old love, I'd be really lucky, especially in love, in my past there was influence of others, not my best friends but in acquaintances and in my future is the King of Hearts. Hmm. So, where is he? Does anyone know? I'm waiting.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Have a good night/day everyone!

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