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June 21, 2000 - Wednesday

Well, 90210 was watched, e-mail was answered, so it's time to start writing my daily entry.

Work was boring today. I only had 2 classes. Two others were cancelled. I did do some decorating instead. I put up a bunch of my Canadian postcards, Canada day is coming up in a couple of weeks.

I did have an interview tonight. It was nice to meet someone for the first time!

I got out of the school fairly early, and came back to my apartment. I didn't cook tonight, all I have in the larder is pasta, and I don't feel like more today.

My fortune today also had a lot of hearts in it...This time I had some spades too. They had the message that I shouldn't give up, I've been working hard for a while. The 10 of hearts was quite prominent though, and so was the Jack of hearts. I'm trying to decide who he or she is though. Hmm.

Okay, that's it for tonight. Nowt exciting. Sorry.

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