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June 22, 2000 - Thursday

I was a bit busier today, which was nice. I did a bit of prep work for tomorrow too. Classes went well today too.

I walked home with Justin tonight. It was nice to have someone to talk to for a change. I loaned him some of my videos and cookbooks...aren't I nice?

I'm trying to make some plans for the weekend. I want to do more exploring, but on Sunday there is a school party that I have to go to. Maybe after, or on Monday?

Not a big day as far as news goes, I'm sorry to say. It was quiet.

Oh well, no big deal. I did meet a few more of the students in the school. That was good!

Maybe tomorrow will be more eventful? Oh, yeah, my fortune...okay I guess. I'm under the 10 of hearts which is very lucky, but there are some problems. In my future is the Ace of Spades, which can signify either the end of a relationship or a death. Eek.

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