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March 4, 2000 - Saturday

A pretty good day today. I went to work, work was fine, and then I came home. It sounds pretty boring, however it was really pleasant.

Riding to work again was nice, but during the day it rained. The rain had some benefits, it helped wash away more snow. On the way home it was still raining a little, but nothing serious.

This has been an interesting week. I sewed some buttons on, which I'd been putting off for ages. When a student phoned to make an appointment, he told me that he'd gone to the States for business and his friends and associates told him his English had improved. Yay! That makes me feel really good! A little stroke for my ego.

I took down my dolls in the classroom today. Maybe I'll be able to get married now! (There's a belief here that if you leave the dolls on display you won't get married.)

Today was great! But it's finally the weekend.....Hurrah!

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