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March 5, 2000 -Sunday

Today was a cool day. I slept in late then got up and watched my Japanese movie show. After that, I pondered what to do with the rest of my day. I thought I should get out and do something since it was a lovely day today.

I did. I went to the Chido Museum to see the Hina Dolls exhibit. It was great. I haven't been to the museum in 3 years. The dolls were beautiful and it was nice to go back when I knew more about Japanese culture. I spent about an hour and a half in the museum. Then I briefly went to the Temple in Tsuruoka park.

After that I checked the time of the movie, and took a walk down Ginza street. There weren't any stores open that I wanted to go to, and a long time before the film started so I went to get some supper.

You know how it is, there is a place that you've always wanted to try and you just never do it? Well, today, I went into mine. It was great. I had Tempura Udon and it was delicious. After that, I biked back to Ginza and went for coffee and cake.

The movie I went to? The Blair Witch Project. It was pretty cool.

After the movie I rode home. It was a great evening. At home I watched a really stupid monster/horror film on TV and later Ally McBeal. It was a bonanza night, there was two episodes of Ally on. Woo hoo!

This was the kind of day that I always want to have on a weekend, but rarely do! Bring on tomorrow!

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