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March 27, 2000 - Monday

Today is my 3rd anniversary of being in Japan. That's right, 3 years ago I came to this group of islands not really sure what I was doing and whether I'd be able to survive in this country.
I have survived, but there are some things missing from my life. I have very few friends nearby, no family, and no firm grasp of the language. It can be a little depressing at times. Usually I'm fine, but not being able to visit my friends when they have babies, or babysit my niece occasionally are things that I'm missing out on. I think my students take me for granted sometimes. They forget that I have a life outside the classroom and sadly it is often quite empty in Japan.

Wow, that was depressing wasn't it? I'm actually not all that depressed, but as always when anniversaries in Life come up, I feel like reflecting and making decisions.

Today was actually a pretty good day though. I got up incredibly early, especially since I didn't get to bed until after 4. I was up by 9:20 this morning, dressed and went off to the bank to pay rent, the video store to return two videos and then city hall to renew my Alien Registration card. I managed to do every thing before 12. At 12 I met one of my students at city hall and we went for lunch. That was so nice. It was a real pleasure to meet someone and go out. I had told her that I'd be in city hall today so she asked me to meet her for lunch if I had time.

After lunch I came home and did laundry. Then, well, I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I went to bed and slept for 3 hours! It was after 7 when I woke up, so I dressed and walked to the grocery store where I bought supper, and a few necessities for life.

I came home and watched my tape of Sabrina....great fun that show, and then re-watched "Notting Hill". It was just as good, if not better the second time around. While I was watching the film I made a couple of cards. One was a request from a student, one was for my friends in Canada that just had a baby.

I ended the day watching a repeat of ER which was darn good as usual.

One disappointing thing for me was that I didn't get to see the Academy Award show. It was on a scrambled station this year. I watched a bit of it, but I couldn't hear anything and it was hard to figure out who was who. I stared at a man for about 2 minutes before I realized it was Brad Pitt! But, don't despair, 2 people in Canada taped it for me, so hopefully I should be able to watch it eventually.

And that's it. I'm off to bed soon. I'm a bit tired.

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