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March 28, 2000 -Tuesday

I was quite busy today, although not as busy as I thought I'd be. I was supposed to have 7 classes today, but only 6 happened.

I didn't have a lot of time to get extra things done today, but I did send a birthday card to a student.

On my way home from work I returned my video of Notting Hill and as I had left work early I thought what the heck and I rented 2 videos. I'm watching one of them right now..."Wayne's World". I remembered that it was funny, but I forgot just how funny. It's a hoot. I think I like Mike Myers better as Wayne than I do as Austin Powers. The other video I rented was "The Mummy". I've seen it too, but being able to see Brendan Fraser again is a nice thing.

Anyway, that's it for tonight. Party time, excellent!

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