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March 29, 2000 - Wednesday

Today was a pretty good day. My lessons went quite well and I got a lot of planning and other things done.

After work I went out for ramen with my manager. It was really good ramen. We had a nice time.

When I went to work this morning it wasn't raining although it threatened rain. However, on the way home it was pouring and the wind was terrible. I had trouble breathing, the wind was so fierce. In fact, I walked home for the last 1/3rd of the way.

When I got home I had to take off practically all my clothes as they were soaking wet. They are hanging in my shower room right now. I'm bundled up under my kotatsu trying to warm up. It is downright nasty out there.

In one of my evening classes I was trying to teach about body parts. It was fun especially since I had to explain the difference between chest and breast and bust. The poor guy in the class kept covering his ears...I don't know if he was embarrassed or not!

And... I think that's it. Catch you again....

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