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March 30, 2000 - Thursday

The weather today was fine. It was cloudy, but not rainy. The wind died down too, so the ride to and from work wasn't bad.

I left a bit late but I stopped at the post office anyway. I paid a bill and mailed a letter. I couldn't mail my package to Canada though. I'll have to take that to a "big" post office. Maybe tomorrow if the weather holds.

Classes were fine today. We were supposed to have a telephone meeting at 1:00 but they postponed it until 2:00. Hitomi and I did some shifting of meetings and it wasn't a problem.

I also called a few teachers today. I have promised to send a teacher a few videos, so I had better find him some!

I also did chat time today. I had four people at the school and we did telephone English. It was quite fun. I hope they enjoyed it. I did. Next week we'll do stamping. Oh boy!

And, my four year old did really well today. We did writing again and I expected him to give up very quickly. Well, he didn't. In fact when I wanted to stop, he wanted to keep going. I guess that's a good sign. I did a ring toss as the final game. It was fun. He let me have a turn too.

And that's about it. Just another regular day, except I was quite busy. I didn't have a lot of classes, just a lot of administrative things to do. Later all....

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