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May 2, 2000 - Tuesday

I have an announcement to make. There are no taco shells in Tsuruoka. I looked everywhere. I biked all over town today, even in a rainstorm and I couldn't find any. I looked in places that had had them before, but no luck.

In other news I cleaned my bedroom today. It looks pretty good. I still have to clean the kitchen. I guess that is tomorrow's job.

I have finally started to call/e-mail people to tell them about the party. I sent out 12 e-mails tonight. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I might wasn't intentional.

I went out today to find the shells...hah....and stopped in at my school. My new Cosmo was there, and so was a card from my friend Donna with a picture of her new baby. She looks like her cousin!

Speaking of babies, Gloria Steinem was on the other night and she was asked by the Japanese interviewer how she thought young Japanese women could be persuaded to have more babies. She asked why. The interviewer told her that Japan needs more children to help support the aging population. She again asked why and the interviewer was taken aback. She told him that people nowadays were living longer and didn't need to be taken care of as much as they did in the past. She also said it might behoove Japanese society to make marriage and childbearing more attractive to women. Although I don't always agree with Ms. Steinem, I found myself in agreement with her in this case!

I'd better get myself to bed before all my readers stop reading. Night!

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